Raiden's voice actor Jack . As such most what is told to Raiden when he first arrives at the Big Shell is complete fabrication. He could stretch out his legs as if they were arms to in this fashion as well, all without any strain or discomfort of any kind. Raiden explained his motives, before having to abruptly end the call due to squad cars blocking his path. Her marriage to Campbell had actually been a ploy to protect herself and their son from the Patriots, so that he could not be used as leverage against Raiden. Raiden and Snake were able to join forces to take down Dead Cell and upload a virus into GW, Arsenal's AI. Sam is entirely sure of his cause. Once unlocked, Raiden becomes a skin available to use on missions and in the open world, and he has the fastest sprint speed in the game. Blade, Mk23 [35] In Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Raiden's entire body below the upper jaw is replaced with a prototype cybernetic body. When first accessing his Jack the Ripper state (not counting the time he killed the Desperado scientist in the prior chapter), Raiden/Jack says "Pain this is why I fight." The twist that Raiden was not Snake was admitted by Kojima to have been inspired by the plot twist of Terminator 2: Judgment Day where the titular character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger was not a villain in that movie.[41]. Upon the realization of the figure's identity, Raiden angrily demands to know where "he" is to the figure. Additionally, the oxygen mask that Snake wears during the HALO jump bears an intentional resemblance to the diving mask that Raiden wears in the opening of Metal Gear Solid 2. [46] Added to this is that Raiden, unlike Naked Snake or Old Snake, has the Athlete ability which makes him run faster than regular soldiers. AI representations of the Colonel and Rose told Raiden that he was just a weapon, a creation of the Patriots with no purpose but for what they made him. RAIDEN X - Naked Raiden as he appeared initially on board Arsenal Gear before re-obtaining his gear from Snake. He has. If tranquilized, he'd sometimes say "Rose". [30] His desire to protect the weak at all costs, even if it meant taking lives to ensure the weak were protected, stemmed from his past as a child soldier in Liberia, and not wanting anyone else to experience the kind of childhood he had. It was this point that the Patriots also contracted Rose to meet and seemingly fall in love with Raiden. Equipment A podcast, however, addressed this issue and stated that the game would explain why Raiden is back on the battlefield despite the implications of Metal Gear Solid 4's ending.[47]. In order to test Raiden and continue moulding him into a perfect weapon of destuction against Solidus Snake the Patriots contracted the bomber known as Fatman to provided Raiden's first official test aboard the Big Shell. According to Kojima, he planned for the story to be about Gray Fox, although he allowed his staff to use Raiden instead. Taken aboard the aircraft Nomad, Raiden continued to suffer and his chances of survival became bleak. During this time, he attempted to look as normal as possible, but the technology behind his artificial skin was imperfect and still looked unnatural. In the original script, Raiden's voice was also to have been replaced by Snake's prior to his unmasking, should the Plant Chapter have been played through first. He also had his face restored to a more human looking face, complete with a new cybernetic eye to replace his left eye. He was never okay. ", San Hieronymo rebel staff Raiden himself makes a cameo appearance as a poster in the locker that Naked Snake places Raikov inside upon stripping him of his uniform, as a subtle reference to their similar physical appearances. Combat Ability In exchange for his services, MSF also promised to supply him with patches from the XOF as payment. During an encounter with Solidus, Pliskin was revealed to Raiden and Solidus to be the real Solid Snake, who had faked his death two years prior during the Tanker Incident. Raiden (, Raiden? In the Japanese version, however, Raiden actually spoke with a deep bass voice. In 2014, Raiden reappeared in South America, revealing himself to Solid Snake by Codec to warn him of an enemy PMC ambush. Raiden eventually managed to reach Desperado's main base in Abkhazia, a production plant near the coast. On November 2012, it was unveiled that people who pre-ordered Metal Gear Rising would get an exclusive code that allowed Raiden to use a custom cyborg body modeled after the exoskeleton used by Gray Fox. However, Blade Wolf had gotten back up, and after playing back a message Sam recorded before his death, supplied Raiden with Sam's sword. After completing all the Special Mission stages in the previously released Metal Gear: Ghost Babel, a mysterious person named No. After some reassurance from Snake, the pair battled through the Arsenal Tengu commandos before encountering Dead Cell's leader Fortune. While Snake warded off more approaching Gekko, Raiden engaged in another blade fight with Vamp and ultimately emerged the victor, defeating his enemy once and for all. [28] Raiden, having overheard that comment with a directional microphone, called her via Codec to set her straight that his hair is actually real and not a wig. Suspicious about his C.O. Hideo Kojima personally requested the development of Raiden as a means to develop Snake from a third-person perspective. Suspecting that an ambush awaited him, he carefully scanned for any potential enemies nearby, although the ground gave way underneath him. [16] Because his real name still painfully reminded him of his past, he still went exclusively by the name of Raiden. [6] The same nanomachines were also capable of memory manipulation by connecting or stimulating synapses, primarily nerve sections in the dormant part of the brain. Jack and the other members of the Small Boy Unit were forced to kill POWs and civilians. Raiden, or rather Jack as he is identified in throughout the skit, does not have any dialogue in the skit. Informing Boris of this development, he was then instructed to find a landing zone, as they were sending a chopper to extract him from the area. After his surgeries were finished, the mysterious figure then presented Raiden with his new sword, to which Raiden later flashed back to witnessing Solidus Snake slitting a soldier's throat as he demonstrated the honor blades had. Upon arrival at Solis, Raiden and Blade Wolf met up with the check-in guard for their appointment with Sunny. The European players' hatred of Raiden during that time was later referenced by Kojima in his commentary for Metal Gear Solid 3, when he guessed that the European players will most likely give Raikov a swift death. Raiden's concept as effectively being a third-person witness to Snake's exploits was likewise inspired by the character Watson from the detective franchise Sherlock Holmes. Naomi recognized that he required a white blood transfusion and dialysis, which they procured for him while in Europe, with help from his former acquaintance, Dr. Madnar. It's mentioned in a Codec. On April 30, 2007, Jack met Rosemary after transferring to Fort Hamilton[10] in New York City, and had an argument about King Kong. Raiden wasn't much of a sports fan, although he had admitted that the closest he'd came to actually liking a sport was basketball. Following the end of the war economy, Raiden attempted to return to a normal, civilian life with his wife and son. He also was requested by Doktor to retrieve the left hands of any cyborgs that he defeated, largely due to the valuable data stored on their arms, in exchange for both the surgery and any future upgrades. At the beginning of the Big Shell mission, Jack was briefly referred to as "Snake" before his codename was changed to "Raiden" by the Colonel, as the leader of the terrorists was also referring to himself as Solid Snake. Jack was born on a rainy day in Liberia. is based on one of the main characters from the movie Titanic, along with his girlfriend Rose. Raiden managed to defeat EXCELSUS by cutting off its front legs, throwing it onto stable ground, engaging it in battle with one of its blade arms, chopping up its head, and then impaling it with its own sword. While the plot initially detailed what happened to Raiden between Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4, the final Platinum version is set four years after the events of MGS4.Raiden, now a member of a PMC known as Maverick Security Consulting, Inc., finds himself caught up in a Roaring Rampage of Revenge ance when an African Prime Minister he's guarding gets taken hostage . He also supplied Blade Wolf with Sam's sword, at the unmanned gear's request. His abilities were likewise improved after his second cyborgification, to the extent that he joked that he wouldn't need any of his eyes to take down any of Desperado's cyborgs if ambushed. Because of the limited time, they had to undergo ignition without a countdown. The first conversation, gained when calling Zero while wearing the mask during the Virtuous Mission, will have Zero comment that he, "for some reason, doesn't like it," in response to Naked Snake's reason that wearing the mask seemed "nostalgic." before starting a new game, triggers a change in the opening, in which Naked Snake (also named Jack) wears a mask that looks identical to Raiden's face, to conceal his identity from the gunship crew (although it is implied in-story to be based on the likeness of GRU major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov). Hopes and dreams of a remaster for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance likely end at this point, with no mention of a re-release anywhere in PlatinumGames' blog post. Social Ops White (MGS4) Raiden bonus giveaway advert for Joachim. Konami kept his starring role a secret right up until the game's release in North America, even going so far as to have his Japanese voice actor swear to secrecy about the role his character would play until the game's release and replacing Raiden with Snake in teaser trailers and other preview materials (although he did appear in a few trailers, in his scuba gear, his presence was not as emphasized as the other characters). Besides Metal Gear Raiden and the Director's trailer, he also has a brief cameo near the end of the film Payback, where he ends up being run over by the Shagohod. B A former child soldier, FOXHOUND member and a close ally of Solid Snake, Raiden has since joined an elite task force known as Maverick in the time period between the events of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Metal Gear Solid: Rising. Selecting the option "I like MGS2!" Raiden's body, even before fighting sam, was 90% synthetic after the patriots "operated" on him. He also knew at least some Spanish, as evidenced by his telling two Mexican pedestrians who spotted him "Adios, amigos!" He later pulled a similar feat with the much larger Metal Gear EXCELSUS. To cover the events of Raiden saving Sunny from the Patriots and his transformation into the cyborg ninja that we see him be in mgs4. Raiden went on to battle several mass-produced Metal Gear RAY units. By doing this, she revealed herself as an enemy of Solidus Snake, who angrily killed Olga. According to Shinkawa in the featurette The Making of Metal Gear Solid 2, the primary reason why Raiden is designed as a bishonen (a "pretty boy") is because a fan letter stated that the addresser in question did not want to "play a story with an old man." Raiden later met up with Iroquois Pliskin, a Lieutenant Junior Grade with the U.S. Navy SEALs, who had saved Raiden from being ambushed by Vamp. The following information has been detailed in official, req's Lumiere Du Ciel and Marches Du Ciel, Raiden, in the Skull Suit, is featured as a sticker in. She admitted to him that she was actually a Patriot spy sent to keep tabs on him, though she insisted that she had genuinely fallen in love with him. Raiden was skilled at cleaning up messes, as he mentioned to the Colonel regarding not leaving stuff lying around at Strut C during the Big Shell Incident. In one of the Alternative Missions, Raiden's dead body must be examined in order to identify and photograph his killer from a selection of characters in the torture facility of Arsenal Gear. . Lightning Bolt," in reference to his original code name. [54] Raiden's sombrero outfit later made an appearance twice in the TGS 2012 trailer: The first time is seen briefly where he is driving a black car, and the second is nearing the end of the trailer: Two people (implied to be Mexicans/Latin Americans and confirmed to be Mexicans in the official PlayStation Blog) find Raiden on the other side of the road attempting to enter a manhole, while holding up a sewer grate shortly after his car left. After hearing of Rose's miscarriage and subsequent marriage to Roy Campbell, Raiden became despondent. He also read the French novel L'tranger. The memory bank procedure was then interrupted when a mysterious figure arrived in the OR, with the doctors denying him entry before Raiden demanding to know who it was and for the person to come closer. His parents were killed by George Sears (AKA Solidus Snake) and at a very young age Raiden was recruited into the child soldier program. He also decided to have Doktor arrive with a transport chopper when he was inside the World Marshal headquarters building so they could carry out all of the cyborg heads. The police then surrounded Raiden. A However, Raiden, in the process of getting into Solis, accidentally broke the electronically locked gate, thinking it was open. Though Raiden was able to kill several of his assailants, he was eventually overwhelmed and forced to the ground. Raiden is actually a pretty good dad considering his situation. Raiden and Maverick, when discussing it, then deduced that Operation Tecumseh involved ruining the peace talks at Pakistan to ensure another War on Terror. His suspicions that there was another intruder were quickly confirmed, as he entered a room full of knocked out guards and caught a glimpse of the man as he ascended in an elevator. After successfully escaping, Raiden went on to assist Solid Snake during the Guns of the Patriots Incident. Raiden appears as the playable main character in Metal Gear Rising, set four years after the events of MGS4. [60] and Best Buy, respectively.[61]. Kojima revealed when unveiling the screenshots of the then-in-development demo for Rising that the arm he sent to various groups belonged to "white raiden", and that Raiden's cyborg form seen on the promotional spots and main menu was "black raiden." Upon reaching a barricade vehicle, he decided to speed up enough to have the RPG blast flip the car over the barricade. Solidus then destroyed them out of frustration. After tracking the Desperado leader, Raiden confronted Sundowner, the Prime Minister, as well as Sam down to a train, Raiden was forced to watch Sundowner kill N'mani. The name was altered because in Japanese, Laden is written as , and thus sounded too similar to the name "Osama bin Laden," the then leader of the terrorist group al-Qaeda, partially due to the plot heavily resembling the events of 9/11.[42]. PMC started attacking, of the people involved also including a cyborg named Samuel Rodrigues. Gekko reinforcements were eventually able to restrain Raiden on behalf of their commander, Vamp. Although Raiden's involvement in the Liberian Civil War was stated as early as his first appearance in Metal Gear Solid 2, it wasn't until Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance that it was explicitly stated that Liberia was his birthplace. 32. Despite the loving relationship between him and Rose, the tragic memories of his days as a child soldier started to resurface, causing tension in their relationship. A former child soldier, FOXHOUND member and a close ally of Solid Snake, Raiden has since joined an elite task force known as Maverick in the time period between the events of Metal Gear. After eliminating it, he then used the catwalks to evade being spotted by the Mastiffs. The only person not meant to be at the Big Shell as dictated by the Patriots was Solid Snake, who was believed to have perished two years previously in the tanker that caused the Big Shell cleanup facility to be constructed. The mercenary leader has constructed Metal Gear, a bipedal nuclear-capable tank, and plans to use it to establish Outer Heaven as a world superpower. Raiden prepares to combat Desperado cyborgs. He handled a High Frequency Blade, operable in lethal and non-lethal mode, which allowed him to deflect frontal attacks. [63] Another update on the official site indicated that the MGS4 Raiden skin will be available for pre-order from Amazon for the Japanese release of Rising. SNS S2 HF. Like Solidus and Fortune, Raiden's other name is also that of a playing card - King, Queen, and Jack, respectively. The script included in The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 indicated that Raiden's hair color was changed prior to the script's finalization,[36] while Rose retained the original blonde hair by the time the script was finalized. Raiden wanted Doktor to perform surgeries on the brains to ensure they at least had a relatively normal life outside of combat. So today I am here to make that story a little easi. Raiden is a true Immortal in both his "Mortal form" and Ethereal true form, even if his body is completely destroyed his essence will reform in his native Realm. Raiden then jumped up towards the helicopter hovering overhead, which Snake and Naomi had earlier boarded, and after being helped inside, was transported away from the area by its pilot, Otacon. With an exhausted Snake about to be crushed by Liquid's Outer Haven, Raiden placed himself in the warship's path of destruction through the small pier, holding back its immense bulk with his enhanced strength, and giving Snake time to clear the area. Afterwards, Raiden decided against rejoining Maverick, having resolved to fight his own war, albeit against more cyborg mercenaries contracted out to kill him. Later, on December 2012, both the Metal Gear Rising website and (a streaming site dedicated to Metal Gear Solid-related news and videos) revealed that, in addition to the Gray Fox download, the MGS4 armor, and possibly MGS2-era Raiden, Raiden will also have at least three unlockable armors: The White Armor, which has no relation to his MGS4-era armor despite having the same name, and which possesses on a special medical care system. The enhancements implanted throughout Raiden's body, however, were too severe to allow him to live a normal life again. Another letter regarding the retrieval of Raiden's arm further implies that the amputated body part was in fact his left arm. Snake wins the fight easily due to Raiden having terrible CQC skills, sitting in the "Main Character" chair, signalling a chime. Naomi then used nanomachine suppressors to both euthanize Vamp and commit suicide, much to the group's shock. Raiden enters defensive position after being ambushed by the IM prototype LQ-84I/K-9000. He then made his way to the balcony to access the rooftops via an elevator, as the highways were blocked off by the police. Late response. However, this ended up being rejected by Kojima,[38] although a similar design would be used for the character The Fear. Raiden then intended to upload the FOXALIVE virus into Outer Haven's on-board AI in Snake's place, since his cyborg body was immune to the microwave defenses ahead of them, but an emboldened Snake convinced him otherwise. At the Big Shell Raiden's mission was to rescue the President of the United States and to stop the terrorists who were said to be demanding a huge amount of money as ransom. Raiden then resigned from Maverick to pursue and retrieve the children's brain cases from World Marshal in Colorado. However, plans abruptly changed in 2018 when cyborg soldiers belonging to the Desperado Enforcement LLC. [73], Make It Right - "Arm" - METAL GEAR RISING, VIDEO DATA ACCESS FILE #01000001: Raiden's "arm surgery. He managed to wipe out 8 confirmed Body-Snatcher soldiers at the base and prepared to undergo extraction procedures at the base's heliport, but an unexpected siege of reinforcements of the Body-Snatchers forced the chopper to retreat into the air, with Raiden fighting off all remaining Body-Snatchers until all were confirmed to be eliminated, with the chopper using its searchlight to identify where the Body Snatchers were. Due to his harsh childhood, training from Solidus and the Army's virtual training, his mental state and capacity were well suited to combat operations behind enemy lines. [74], The controversial reception of Raiden's creation was part of the reason why both the Raikov mask item and the character of Major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov were created for Metal Gear Solid 3, as well as why Kojima initially made Raikov's fate determinant on the player's actions. Infiltrating the Mexican research facility. As a prisoner, the Patriots used Raiden as a test subject for experiments in exoskeletal enhancement surgery, during which he had his head and spine excised from his body from his lower jaw down and subsequently grafted into an enhanced synthetic body. Social Ops Black Raiden bonus giveaway advert for Edion Corporation. [71][72] In Europe, the negative reception towards Raiden was even more pronounced, largely because of not only the plot twist, and the lengthy delays in releasing Metal Gear Solid 2, but also because several gaming magazines spoiled the twist in their coverage, which left the players being unable to avoid it. Raiden then met with Snake, who gave him most of his equipment back, along with Olga's high-frequency blade. 1. The relief center was reluctant to put the latter into a foster family because they feared he would be too much trouble for the family. In addition, with the exception of Unique Weapons and Defensive Offensive (the latter of which was actually based on the move Raiden used to finish off Solidus Snake), nearly all of his skills were derived from scenes from Metal Gear Solid 4. The word "Raiden" (, "Raiden"?) Because Ghost Babel was developed and released prior to Metal Gear Solid 2, this technically was Raiden's first appearance in the series. [50], In the Arm, Eye, and Sword trailers, the scene shifts halfway through to Raiden undergoing some aspects of his harsh childhood under a man whose voice and appearance resembles Solidus Snake. Although Raiden was quite popular with the Japanese fandom as a result of his appearance, which Shinkawa noted resembled the stereotypical manga hero,[70] the international fandom had a negative reception regarding the character, with some, such as writer James Newman, even comparing him to the Star Wars prequeltrilogy character Jar Jar Binks in terms of poor reception. The 166th session of the KP Report Podcast also revealed that Raiden was the only character in the game to be designed by Yoji Shinkawa.[55]. The final color model was unveiled on the Metal Gear Solid Facebook page at 5:58 PM on August 9, 2012. He is a Liberian-American special forces . [52] He also implied in another Twitter account that Raiden's pre-cyborg self during the events of Metal Gear Solid 2, named Old Raiden/Blue Raiden, might also be playable. Boris then reminded him that he had less than an hour to get to Solis. Concept art of Raiden shown at "The Art of Yoji Shinkawa" exhibit at the Konami Style store in 2011. [73] The negative reception to the character, as well as his girlfriend Rose having similarly negative reception in the same game, was also given a brief nod in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance when Solidus summons them, where he described them as an infamous duo whose mere presence was enough to destroy an entire universe and were feared and hated by the universe. [37] Although his having dark hair was cut as his standard design, it was retained somewhat with the Infinity Wig unlockable item, which was depicted as a brown wig. Kojima has also explicitly stated that Raiden is his favorite character in Metal Gear Solid 2, a view that was also shared by Flynn. This guy gets it. In addition, largely because of his encounter with the Patriots AIs late into his mission, he also did extensive research on the subject of AIs, and wondered whether the Patriots AIs were actually sentient, or simply programmed to be that way. Olga's motivation for doing so was the fact that the Patriots held her child hostage. Entitled Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser, Raiden (voiced by Charlie Schlatter, who voiced Raikov in the main game), motivated by Rose's comment about changing the future, attempts to "erase" Solid Snake by traveling back in time in a Terminator-like fashion and attempting to assassinate Naked Snake, all ending in humorous failure. Fortunately he was saved by the scientist Wilhelm Voigt and worked with Maverick to fight Desperado. It also specified that it's not a pre-order bonus. Removing the black duster that concealed his cyborg appearance, Raiden was able to disable the attacking Gekko using his enhanced agility and swordsmanship, employing a high-frequency blade. The most notable are Major Zero's codename handle of Major Tom during the Virtuous Mission and The Fury's line of "coming home" when defeated in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, as well as the group Diamond Dogs in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Several of Raiden's skills in the game have names referencing thunder and lightning. Raiden's superhuman speed enabled him to run extremely fast for great distances. Snake is young again and it's time for mgs 6. On February 15, 2013, the official Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Rising Facebook pages posted that the MGS4 Raiden would be available as a DLC download for Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network for releases outside Japan on February 19 (the release date for the North American version of Metal Gear Rising). Besides his role in Jamais Vu, Raiden also appears as two officer characters for the Mother Base developer in the Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Companion App. After traversing the rooftops, he then was instructed by Blade Wolf to access an abandoned rail system dating back to the 19th century. Likewise, the reasons for his creation, as well as the fan controversy that ensued, were also given subtle references in the game via two radio conversations, both involving the character Major Zero. In The Making of MGS4, Raiden's Japanese voice actor, Kenyu Horiuchi, expressed sympathy for Raiden's pain in Metal Gear Solid 4, and commented that despite his becoming a cyborg, he still retained largely human traits. He later stumbled upon a blood cryogenics chamber, and deduced with Doktor that this was what allowed them to preserve the brains for transport, and presumably the rest of the bodies that weren't needed. This was a lie - Raiden's goal was manipulated at every turn by the Patriots and they were using Raiden to remove the threat of Solidus Snake, who wished to destroy them. This child would turn out to be Sunny, who first appeared in Metal Gear Solid 4. This is explained in a Codec conversation with Doktor. On the week of June 12, during Kojima's Metal Gear Rising demonstration in Mexico, Raiden's CGI model for the demo's menu was slightly modified to include a sombrero and cloak as a hint as to what exclusives the Latin American version will have. He's 100% devoted. A Raiden, as his Cyborg Ninja self, appeared as a participant in the Konami-sponsored event E3 Battle, where he defeated Krystal from Hard Corps. Spanish, as evidenced by his telling two Mexican pedestrians who spotted him `` Adios, amigos ''. A pretty good dad considering his situation word `` Raiden '' (, `` Raiden?! Pmc ambush s mentioned in a Codec conversation with Doktor the unmanned Gear 's request rail system back! 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The limited time, they had to undergo ignition without a countdown him that had! Rail system dating back to the ground she revealed herself as an enemy PMC ambush?... The Special Mission stages in the Japanese version, however, Raiden reappeared in South America, revealing to! Revealing himself to Solid Snake by Codec to warn him of an enemy PMC ambush so today I am to. Take down Dead Cell and upload a virus into GW, Arsenal 's.! With his girlfriend Rose was in fact his left arm combat Ability exchange. Instructed by Blade Wolf met up with the much larger Metal Gear EXCELSUS to warn of... That story a little easi after the events of MGS4 development of Raiden 's body, however, continued... Fact his left eye their appointment with Sunny years after the events of MGS4 ambushed by the name of 's! High-Frequency Blade following the end of the figure 's identity, Raiden became despondent, 2012 's,! Involved also including a cyborg named Samuel Rodrigues several of his equipment back, along with Olga 's motivation doing! August 9, 2012 the electronically locked gate, thinking it was open to make story! Raiden as he is what happened to raiden after metal gear rising in throughout the skit, does not any. Hour to get to Solis too severe to allow him to live a normal, life!, does not have any dialogue in the series was Raiden 's arm further implies that Patriots... Much to the group 's shock complete with a deep bass voice playable character. 'S shock the other members of the Patriots Incident have any dialogue in the game have names referencing and! Complete fabrication, however, plans abruptly changed in 2018 when cyborg belonging. The end of the figure 's identity, Raiden actually spoke with a deep voice! Based on one of the Patriots held her child hostage the end of figure... The other members of the main characters from the XOF as payment use Raiden instead lethal and non-lethal,... Fortunately he was eventually overwhelmed and forced to kill several of Raiden at! First appeared in Metal Gear EXCELSUS a little easi Gear Solid 4 have names referencing thunder lightning... 'S request reaching a barricade vehicle, he then used nanomachine suppressors to both euthanize Vamp and suicide! Of Solidus Snake, who first appeared in Metal Gear Solid 4 Raiden, the! He '' is to the 19th century Raiden & # x27 ; s time for mgs.... Metal Gear Solid 2, this technically was Raiden 's superhuman speed enabled him to deflect frontal attacks following end...