Its extreme length is about ioo and its breadth varies from 70 to over ioo m., but the exact limits are vague, and the modern signification of the name practically comprehends the peninsula formed by the lower Helmund and its embouchure on the one side and the Hamun (lake) on the other. List dovn things whi Whatever was happening to her in the underworld, it wasn't good. Roughly speaking, Phrygia comprised the western part of the great central plateau of Anatolia, extending as far east as the river Halys; but its boundaries were vague, 2 and varied so much at different periods that a sketch of its history must precede any account of the geography. (74) She couldn't help but be a little vague. The majority of these theories are too vague to be profitably discussed in an article like the present, but there can be little doubt that the study of thermoelectricity affords one of the most promising roads to the discovery of the true relations between heat and electricity. 1040 252 I don't have a vague recollection of either game. Corroboration has been sought by Mahler, Sethe and Petrie in the dates of new moons, of warlike and other expeditions, and of high Nile, but their evidence so far is too vague and uncertain to affect the question seriously. But such inferences as these are but a vague return for the labour expended, and an almost cruelly inadequate response to seemingly well-founded expectations. Maria worked with Josie to complete the project until Maria had to go home. Owing to the enormous volume and unsystematic character of the Bali scriptures, and the absence of anything resembling church councils, the doctrine on many important points (such as the future life) is undetermined and vague. This is not the case with vague predicates like hot, or tall. But, indeed, we shall have strong probability on our side if we go back much further still, and say that, however vague may have been the ideas of Pope Alexander III. In 1792 there was some vague talk of a coalition between him and Pitt, which, came to nothing. The tradition of their former settlements in and influence over the island was strong; in 1840 they had taken under their protection the Sakalava ruler of the small island of Nossi-be, off the north-west coast, and in virtue of that act claimed a vague protectorate over the adjacent shores of the mainland. The nose was very subdued with some vague hints of a grassy or floral scent. It's much like tying shoes; you could tell someone how to do it, and they might have a vague idea. In this vague design he was encouraged by Gerbert, the greatest scholar of the day, whom, as Silvester II., he raised to the papal throne. These show summaries don't come right out and give away all the details, but they do provide a somewhat vague overview of the direction the plot lines are going. However, if your partner is very vague it may be because he/she doesn't want to give out any clue that would signal the affair. When attempting to determine what causes fingernail problems, man conditions are diagnosed with the vague "trauma" explanation. For now, the press release, included below the cut, remains fairly vague about the whole project. Men of the second or third generation - often called the " Protestant Scholastics " - work together upon two characteristic doctrines which the fathers of Protestantism left vague. The homage was vague, " for the lands which he holds of the king of England," or according to the Scottish version, " saving my own kingdom.". In their civil affairs the Armenians follow the ancient vague year of the Egyptians; but their ecclesiastical year, which begins on the 1 1th of August, is regulated in the same manner as the Julian year, every fourth year consisting of 366 days, so that Easter and the other festivals are retained at the same place in the seasons as well as in the civil year. Though they are vague terms that encompass many areas of your business, once you pinpoint what they mean for your success you will watch your bottom line rise. In June 1127, William, duke of Apulia, grandson of Robert Guiscard, died childless, having apparently made some vague promise of the succession to Roger. A JUDGE has refused to ban a drug addict from carrying drug paraphernalia on the grounds the definition is too vague. In later days the Celtic kings of northern and western Scotland succeeded in holding, on vague conditions of homage to the English crown, the English-speaking region of historic Scotland. Do you know someone with a penchant for vague words and pretending they know what they mean? The exact meaning of active is somewhat vague at the moment. The aim of his inquiries was to promote the happiness of mankind, which could be better accomplished by pointing out the real possibilities of progress than by indulging in vague dreams of perfectibility apart from the actual facts which condition human life. Narrow-minded Christian consciences, however, could not stay long on this level; law was so very much more satisfying a guide than vague, elusive charity. According to the tradition, which Herodotus quotes sceptically, this was accomplished; but the story is too vague to be accepted as more than a possibility. The seven earlier ones are all more or less obsolescent, and their very number shows that the meaning of the word was very vague. For a format that seemed so spurious in conception and then initially vague upon realization, I'm a Celebrity.. . Allusions to silk and its source became common in classical literature; but, although these references show familiarity with the material, they are singularly vague and inaccurate as to its source; even Pliny knew nothing more about the silkworm than could be learned from Aristotle's description. Faith in a risen Savior is necessary if the vague stirrings toward immortality are to bring us to restful and satisfying communion with God. As you might guess, "Irish music" is a bit of a vague term. Belief in a Supreme Being is vague but universal, but as this Being is good, or at least neutral, he is disregarded, and the native applies himself to the propitiation and coercion, by magical means, of the countless malignant spirits with which he imagines himself to be surrounded, and which are constantly on the watch to catch him tripping. Its wide collar and lapel has a vague 1970s look while the rest of the coat is strikingly modern. Popular scents frequently combined with apple fragrances include vanilla, cinnamon, brown sugar, and spice, and these aroma blends may be labeled with more vague titles, such as "Autumn Harvest" or "Country Fall" instead of apple names. Panic-stricken for a moment, the government issued a manifesto proclaiming Liberal principles and promising in vague language all manner of political reforms (October 30, 1905), and when the inordinate expectations created by this extraordinary document were not at once realized, preparations were made for overthrowing the existing regime by means of an armed insurrection. Their resolution was vague and patchy, with a token nod to socialism. It is also the most commonly overlooked psychic ability because it can be so vague. People who go to the gym with a vague idea along the lines of, "Uh, I think I'll do chest today," tend to end up with a lot of bench presses, little variation, and no clue why they're getting so-so results. Their vague pantheism landed them in moral confusion, and many of them were marked by fierce fanaticism. The chronicler Benedictus Abbas calls David rex, and Rhuddlan castle was probably the centre of his vague authority. Do n't try to distract us with vague promises of " lists of extremists " upon which your name will not be found. It is to be noted that the term "borax" was used by the alchemists in a very vague manner, and is therefore not to be taken as meaning the substance now specifically known by the name. The most satisfactory designation is that proposed by Nageli in 1857, namely " schizomycetes," and it is by this term that they are usually known among botanists; the less exact term, however, is also used and is retained in this article since the science is commonly known as " bacteriology.". He seemed vague about the source of the quotation. It is possible that the mouth of the Mississippi was discovered in 1519 by Alonso Alvarez de Pineda, but this interpretation of his vague manuscript remains conjectural; and that it was discovered by the expedition of Panfilo de Narvaez cannot be established. This turned out to be vague aspirations to grow the Fife economy. A large tame snake with a false human head, wound round Alexander's body as he sat in a shrine in the temple, gave " autophones " or oracles unasked, but the usual methods practised were those of the numerous oracle-mongers of the time, of which Lucian gives a detailed account, the opening of sealed inquiries by heated needles, a neat plan of forging broken seals, and the giving of vague or meaningless replies to difficult questions, coupled with a lucrative blackmailing of those whose inquiries were compromising. Even Ptolemy had a vague conception of a force tending toward the centre of the earth which not only kept bodies upon its surface, but in some way upheld the order of the universe. From this vague, incoherent, yet gifted writer our author acquired some of his strong feeling for the naive. A vague message from Mahommed, that it was the duty of every good Moslem to take part with the family of the Prophet, was interpreted in favour of Mokhtar, and thenceforward all the Shiites, among them the powerful Ibrahim, son of Ali's right hand Malik Ashtar, followed him blindly as their chief. But its precise limits are difficult to assign, the Phrygian frontier being vague and fluctuating, while in the north-west the Troad was sometimes included in Mysia, sometimes not. Moreover, the end or ideal of the practical life was conceived of in too vague a way to be of much practical use. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, your friend is talking to you in class but the teacher tells you to be quint, ACTIVITY II:How to conduct environmental scanning? Also you need to be specific - vague hints will not do. He has been represented as a determined apologist of intellectual orthodoxy animated by an almost fanatical "hatred of reason," and possessed with a purpose to overthrow the appeal to reason; as a sceptic and pessimist of a far deeper dye than Montaigne, anxious chiefly to show how any positive decision on matters beyond the range of experience is impossible; as a nervous believer clinging to conclusions which his clearer and better sense showed to be indefensible; as an almost ferocious ascetic and paradoxer affecting the credo quia impossibile in intellectual matters and the odi quia amabile in matters moral and sensuous; as a wanderer in the regions of doubt and belief, alternately bringing a vast though vague power of thought and an unequalled power of expression to the expression of ideas incompatible and irreconcilable. A glittering generality is a propaganda statement that is designed to connect with audience members by speaking to the beliefs and/or values that are dear to them. She wore a tee shirt with no bra, perhaps in some vague attempt to emulate Penny, but with only a fraction of the appropriate equipment. Waving, meandering and shifting synthesizer tones are his main ingredients, despite the vague piano tinkle in ' Prophet Making '. If you leave him any sort of message, make it short and very simple, and VAGUE. Even Jeremy Bentham, restive under appeals to vague and intangible standards, breaks out in despairing indignation against the word " ought " as " the talisman of arrogance, indolence point of the particular theist who speaks to the ques tion. Teachers of the deaf proved a priori that what Miss Sullivan had done could not be, and some discredit was reflected on her statements, because they were surrounded by the vague eloquence of Mr. Anagnos. But however vague and uncertain might be the meaning of Hoadly in regard to several of the important bearings of the questions around which he aroused discussion, he was explicit in denying the power of the Church over the conscience, and its right to determine the condition of men in relation to the favour of God. The third is merely the general rule of benevolence stated in the somewhat vague Stoical formula, that " no one is born for himself only. He now saw that regard for the public good was too vague an object for the satisfaction of a man's affections. Antimony and its compounds formed the subject of an elaborate treatise ascribed to this last writer, who also contributed to our knowledge of the compounds of zinc, bismuth and arsenic. His vague dualism works a very distinct advance upon the crude hylozoism of the early Ionians (see Atom), and the criticisms of Plato and Aristotle show how highly his work was esteemed. For purposes of precise scientific investigation the study of spectra is generally more suitable than the vague and unsatisfactory estimates of colour, which differ with different observers. I have only a vague recollection of either game. Nor was he (apart from his reception of legendary elements into his narrative) unworthy of the honour in which he was held; for he is really a great historian, in the form of his matter and in his conception of his subject - diligent, impartial, well-informed and interesting, if somewhat rhetorical in style and vague in chronology. khushi7481 Explanation: There is a vague possibility that we could be found liable of contributory infringement, our attorney says. B) Eric was always late for class, and it drove his teacher crazy. He makes vague allusions to Harry Potter being his son. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. As with many descriptive phrases involving jewelry, the use of "exclusive" can be a little vague. The invention of the art of writing afforded the means of substituting precise and permanent records for vague and evanescent tradition; but in the infancy of the world, mankind had learned neither to estimate accurately the duration of time, nor to refer passing events to any fixed epoch. No general census has ever been taken in Ecuador, and estimates are little better than vague conjectures. Their language is vague and allegorical, full of allusions and pious Mussulman invocations; the author continually announces that he is about to speak without mystery or reserve, but all the same never gives any precise details of the secrets he professes to reveal. The meanings of these words weren't vague; they didn't exist. At the lowest level we have vague movements of large groups of muscles, as in "bier-divination," where the murderer or his residence is inferred from the actions of the bearers; of a similar character but combined with more specialized action are many kinds of witch seeking. Good luck! Individual theologians have sought to define more exactly the points on which the standards are vague. Maria worked with Josie to complete the project until you had to go home. It is probable that she was originally a personification of some department of nature; but the traces of her primitive significance are vague, and have been interpreted to suit various theories. It probably arose in the first instance from a vague popular distinction between the continent itself and the Roman province of "Asia", which at one time included most of the peninsula west of the central salt desert (Axylon). But there is no doubt that Bonaparte brought to bear on the execution of this as yet vague and general proposal powers of concentration and organization which ensured its success. Aristotle's vague knowledge of the worm may have been derived from information acquired by the Greeks with Alexander the Great; but long before this time raw silk must have begun to be imported at Cos, where it was woven into a gauzy tissue, the famous Coa vestis, which revealed rather than clothed the form. ", In fact, no acceptable scientific criterion emerges, and the outcome of Spencer's attempt to ascertain the laws of life and the conditions of existence is either a restatement of the dictates of the moral consciousness in vague and cumbrous quasi-scientific phraseology, or the substitution of the meaningless test of " survivability " as a standard of perfection for the usual and intelligible standards of " good " and " right.". Being devoid of all attributes, it can be the object only of meditation, not of practical devotional rites; and philosophy can only attempt to characterize it in general and vague terms, as in the favourite formula which makes it to be sachchidananda, i.e. Vague, romantic language can be interpreted in different ways and may lead to embarrassing misunderstandings. The intent of this kind of statement is to create a favorable impression in the minds of message recipients. The history of that conquest itself is mainly inferential; there is the flebilis narratio of Gildas, vague and rhetorical, moral rather than historical in motive, and written more than a century after the conquest had begun, and the narrative of the Welsh Nennius, who wrote two and a half centuries after Gildas, and makes no critical distinction between the deeds of dragons and those of Anglo-Saxons. ; they are intelligible and trustworthy from 611 B.C. His real history remains unknown; we have only Ferrerius, who is vague, and the late and slanderous gossip of the writers of the Reformation. In the face of this constant sensory assault, the things Paul's talking about can seem very far-off and vague to us. This is perhaps the most usual definition, and, though vague, one of the least misleading. This would easily allow clarification of what is 100-years-ago vague without really tampering with the text. The fundamental doctrine of this work is that, on the hypothesis of free competition, exchange value is determined by the labour expended in production, - a proposition not new, nor, except with considerable limitation and explanation, true, and of little practical use, as "amount of labour" is a vague expression, and the thing intended is incapable of exact estimation. Offers, flattering but equally vague, were made from France, on the part of the bishop of Bayeux, and even of Francis I. Poland had established a sort of suzerainty over Moldavia as early as the end of the 14th century; but at best it was a loose and vague overlordship which the Hospodars repudiated whenever they were strong enough to do so. It contains some great information that touches on the vague aspects of copyright law and how to interpret them. In social economy his views are very vague; he preserves the family, country and property, but finds in all three, as they now are, a despotism which must be eliminated. Previous to the time of Megasthenes the Greek idea of India was a very vague one. Long before the Protestant revolt, simple, obscure people, under the influence of leaders whose names have been forgotten, lost confidence in the official clergy and their sacraments and formed secret organizations of which vague accounts are found in the reports of the 13th-century inquisitors, Rainerus Sacchoni, Bernard Gui, and the rest. While most of the information about the treatment options is very vague, there are some considerations to make if you are near the region. Suddenly, Deidre's vague story of lost love and Gabe's bitterness towards her clicked. Although most people have a general vague idea of what constitutes an "antelope," yet the group of animals thus designated is one that does not admit of accurate limitations or definition. The story of two Venetians, Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, who gave a vague account of voyages in the northern seas in the end of the 13th century, is no longer to be accepted as history. It comprised the territory bounded by a vague line running from the mouth of the Tusca (Wad el Kebir), opposite the island of Tabraca (Tabarca), as far as the town of Thenae (Tina), at the mouth of the Gulf of Gabes. Yet when we include under a common name two eras so distinct as this and that preceding, our term becomes so vague as to be almost valueless. Our present review pro forma for children is really too vague, being a general form for all children with special needs. The Fastest thing Alive has a rather vague and suggestive back-story with a plethora of variations available as to his exact origin and location. There, beyond the Great Wall, a large but scattered population of native Christians had found a refuge from the persecutions of KiaKing, to be united half a century later in a vast but vague apostolic vicariate. More often still he contents himself with such vague phrases as "they say," "the story goes," "some think," or speaks in general terms of "ancient writers" or "my authorities.". The result was the application of a purely philosophical system to the somewhat vague and unorganized corpus of Jewish theology. Someone who gives vague answers or avoids answering your questions is trying to hide something. The toxin's origin and identity remained vague until Emile van Ermengem (1851-1932), a Belgian professor, isolated Clostridium botulinum in 1895 and identified it as the source of food poisoning. . "Yet the Unknowable may exist, and we may even have an" indefinite knowledge "of it, positive, though vague and extralogical. In the case of brand new shows, the casting information may be very vague. Its terms were not " all left too vague ". It seems to have soon passed out of use as a precise geographical designation; for though occasionally mentioned by Apocryphal writers, by Josephus, and by Eusebius, the allusions are all vague, and show that those who made them had no definite knowledge of Gilead proper. Early in 18 20 a revolutionary movement was set on foot, and vague plans of combined risings all over Italy and a war with Austria were talked of. Give me a sentence about vague Advertisement Answer 18 people found it helpful fantasyakath2007 Answer: She rolled her eyes at the vague response. Of these omissions and points left vague, some were inevitable, because an agreement could not have been reached, some were due to the impossibility of foreseeing what difficulties the future would bring with it. The position is vague, but the mouth of the Thames in these early times may be considered as not far from the present position of London Bridge. It was therefore surprising when, in 1877, Simon Newcomb found, by a study of the lunar eclipses handed down by Ptolemy and those observed by the Arabians - data much more reliable than the vague accounts of ancient solar eclipses - that the actual apparent acceleration was only about 8.3". Please help me. Until the discovery of protoplasm, and the series of investigations by which it was established that the cell was a fundamental structure essentially alike in both animals and plants (see Cytology), there was a vague belief that plants, if they could really be regarded as animated creatures, exhibited at the most a lower grade of life. , which, came to nothing was the application of a vague recollection of either game variations available to! Vague promises of `` exclusive '' can be so vague vague without really tampering with the text him. His exact origin and location communion with God also the most commonly overlooked psychic ability because it be! Being his son and estimates are little better than vague conjectures it drove his teacher.! Thing Alive has a rather vague and unorganized corpus of Jewish theology,! With many descriptive phrases involving jewelry, the press release, included below the,! The time of Megasthenes the Greek idea of India was a very one. 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