The authentication method you choose gives access to the Power BI REST APIS, which depends on if the authentication method is either a service principal or a master user. The ITokenAcquisition parameter, which is named tokenAcquisition, holds a reference to the Microsoft authentication service provided by the Microsoft.Identity.Web library. There are plenty of resources over the internet that gives you a step-by-step guideline on how to embed an SSRS report into an ASP.NET web application. Select the gear icon on the top right, and then select Edit page. For a platform such as, this type of article may be a level above the typical intended audience but I believe it is key that BI teams and architects alike are aware of some limitations in Power BI Report Server with respect to user impersonation and passing credentials. }. The object tag is usually used for displaying multimedia files within a web application. The Popular Classes during Weekdays section is, in turn, an embedded SSRS or Power BI Report Server (PBIRS) report. where your report is report.pbix and the token is a generic token. Fortunately, since, a Power BI Report Server report is essentially an HTML document, we have numerous HTML tags that we can use in ASP.Net application to embed a report. . Publish to Power BI Report Server Publish reports directly to Power BI Report Server. Hi, Ive customized the content of the login page without using external resources. I really need that when accessing my page on the intranet, NO password was requested for the user. Follow the service principal instructions to create an Azure AD app and enable the app's service principal to work with your Power BI content. You can enable multi-factor authentication to enable additional security for your environment. Using the combination of pageName and URL Filters can be powerful. In your app's project, create a new folder titled Services. Unlike the iframe tag, the object tag might have limited browser support, especially when it comes to older versions of some browsers. The embed for your organization solution uses an interactive authentication flow. Within the Add Application Group Wizard, provide a name for the application group and select Native application accessing a web API. HttpResponseMessage message = null; The embed tag is also famous for rendering multimedia files but unlike the object tag, it has far fewer attributes that you can set on your own. When we login with the custom user we get the following error. If the WAP server is in a DMZ, you may need to use a fully qualified domain name. The Embed option doesn't automatically permit users to view the report. iframe>. a gym website) that is accessed using anonymous authentication. For more information, see this Power BI Community thread. You could try passing both username and password as part of the URL in the src (source) attribute of the iframes tag as underlined below: