A dozen current or former inmates of the D.C. jail ultimately spoke to NPR and said that the divisions among some of the highest-profile defendants in the country are now boiling over. Early on, the group raised big money: The pro-Trump writer and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza donated $100,000. Stay up to date with what you want to know. Videos from the Capitol riot show Fairlamb climbing on inauguration scaffolding, pushing a police officer into a group of people and punching the officers face shield. On Sept. 8, Braynard appeared on Steve Bannon's "War Room" to explain the motivations behind his protest. So far, the median prison sentence for the Jan. 6 rioters is 45 days. Only seven defendants have been sentenced for felony charges, as of late December. Later that day, the person Chapman communicated with on Bumble contacted the FBI. One inmate described the situation to NPR as "too many rats together in a small cage for too long. Kelly did not respond to a message from NPR seeking comment. Recently, the Patriot Freedom Project launched its own podcast and appeared to address the allegations against Hale-Cusanelli. If that didnt work, they would be framed and persecuted by state and local police and the Democrat-controlled courts would ensure conviction. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Topline Friday marks the two year anniversary of the infamous Jan. 6 attack where pro-Trump supporters invaded the U.S. Capitol, ransacking the building and forcing Congress to seek safety.. Meredith gave investigators consent to search his phone, along with his truck and trailer outside. Where Jan. 6 prosecutions stand, 18 months after the attack The Justice Department has arrested more than 850 Capitol riot suspects. He was sentenced to 41 months in prison, with credit for time served, and ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution for damages to the building. While he claims the pendant is a representation of sincere religious belief, Thors hammer is also known to be a white-supremacist symbol. Anna Morgan-Lloyd is the first defendant to be sentenced in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. One by one. Some of the charges include obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder, entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds and forcibly assaulting, resisting, opposing, impeding federal officers. Judges decided a smaller group often those facing the most serious charges or those who prosecutors worried might flee the country should be locked up while they awaited trial. Sibick has pleaded not guilty to several charges, including the alleged assault of Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone during the riot. I need the name and address of every prisoner still being held in the D.C. gulag as I want to write each of them personally and tell them they are not forgotten and we will overcome this evil, Patriotmailproject.com (to contact the prisoners) Ordinary citizens rely on elected officials to protect their rights, regardless of party affiliation, and when those officials allow foreign terrorists to be treated better than U.S. citizens merely accused of a crime, some not yet charged 3 years later but incarcerated in inhumane conditions, I smell rot. In December 2022, the committee formally recommended four charges against Trump: conspiracy to defraud the US, conspiracy to make false statements, obstruction of an official proceeding, and inciting an insurrection. And defendants are often reluctant to talk publicly, because they worry their comments might be used against them in court. Over two years later, more than 1,000 people have been charged. You made yourself the epitome of the riot, Lamberth said Nov. 17. Some inmates said the jokes could be brutally mean. A majority of Congress have spoken out against the insurrection, and even Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who were both openly critical of Trump. Community service: Defendants typically have a set period of time to complete this condition. I cover the latest trends in science, tech and healthcare. Prosecutors say he breached the Capitol, put his feet up on a senator's desk and smoked a joint, but did not attack police. He was convicted last week and faces years in prison for shoving a Capitol . I hope my search (for a list) produces good fruit. Hundreds of additional cases are expected to be adjudicated in the coming months, with a number of sentencing hearings already on the calendar this fall. Judges are not required to follow the recommendations made by either side, though they typically use them to calibrate a given sentence. At least 800 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. Jon Schaffer, a guitarist who founded the metal band Iced Earth, was thefirst person to file a guilty pleaand agree to cooperate with prosecutors,according to Department of Justice filings. On January 6, 2021, following the defeat of U.S. President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a mob of . Write to Nik Popli at nik.popli@time.com and Julia Zorthian at julia.zorthian@time.com. They identified him by working with New York State authorities and matching his likeness to a 2017 mugshot, in which he had the same distinctive sideburns. Meredith traveled from Colorado to attend the Stop the Steal rally that led to the attempted insurrection at the Capitol, but later told investigators that he arrived too late in the evening. By April 2022, the group announced it had raised almost $1.2 million. So we're taking the claim straight to the Verify team. But resentments have built among the defendants who said they did not receive donations from the group. Today, prisoners are let out on no-cash bail almost faster than they are arrested and no matter how many crimes they commit, or how serious those crimes are, they continue to be let out to control the behavior of citizens. Jan. 6 defendant Kash Kelly, who is Black, told Hughes that it was false to claim anyone in C2B was a white supremacist. ), A particular sore point for some of the inmates of C2B is fear that donations are distributed through "favoritism.". (Sandlin has pleaded not guilty to all charges. Jacob Lang, who has pleaded not guilty to allegations that he assaulted police with a shield and a bat, praised Hughes and Patriot Freedom Project for providing support to some families and defendants. He said if people want to support Jan. 6 defendants, they should give directly to individuals, not third-party groups. By Tom Kertscher July 28, 2021 Jailed defendants in Jan. 6 attack aren't 'political prisoners.' They're charged with real crimes. For example, Hughes has disclosed a history of financial problems documented in legal filings. State regulators in a handful of states have said they're looking into whether the group is complying with state charity registration requirements. But after NPR's reporting, a group of inmates organized and contacted NPR. The consequence to the nation has to be weighed in the balance.. Anyone who spoke out faced the wrath of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), the Democrats secret army. Fellows, however, calls Jan. 6 "the best day of my life. Several people died as a result of the insurrection, including protestors like Ashli Babbittwho was shot and killed by police when she tried to break into a protected areaand Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick. While recommending probation for one of the first Capitol rioters to face sentencing, a federal prosecutor said the lightness of her punishment should be an exceptionwriting that "the backdrop. No, there are not hundreds of Capitol riot defendants in DC jail, We are rotting in jail: Capitol rioter demands Trump give 6 January speech to back him and co-prisoners, D.C. officials stew after Jan. 6 prisoners complaints prompt federal pull-out from jail, January 6 suspects D.C. jail complaints are hypocrital, but theyre not wrong, Congressional Report Details Squalid Conditions Faced By Jan. 6 Defendants, Congressional Republicans slam treatment of Jan. 6 defendants held at D.C. jail, Problems at D.C. hide caption. So far, roughly 165 of the 800+ cases brought as a result of the January 6 attack have been fully adjudicated, with a total of 65 defendants receiving sentences to either jail or prison terms . All the guns were loaded. More than 1,000 people have been charged with crimes linked to the January 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection. A Texas man who threatened U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter after he stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 was sentenced on Wednesday to more than three years in prison. We hope you've enjoyed this article. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is defending his decision to give Fox News' Tucker Carlson "exclusive" access to Jan. 6 security footage of the Capitol attack, despite the conservative commentator's own work raising false claims and conspiracy theories about the 2021 riot over Joe Biden's election. Coffman drove to Capitol Hill from Alabama on Jan. 6, 2021, in a pickup truck loaded with powerful weapons, and is believed to have been the most heavily armed defendant during the attack. Experts on extremism worried that the jail was radicalizing the inmates. Every American is owed that clarity. 2023 TIME USA, LLC. At least 73 rioters have been sentenced so far after pleading guilty to the charges against them. Download the apps today for live newscasts and video on demand. .. by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed Has that occurred? Another 50 have been sentenced to home detention. A real estate agent from suburban Dallas who flaunted her participation in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol on social media and later bragged she wasn't going to jail because she is. He compared the drawings to Nazi-style propaganda cartoons. The FBI is still seeking the public's help to identify people who took part in one of the most documented crimes in US history. ; No, there are not hundreds of Capitol riot defendants in DC jail. Seems just the same as AARP Finally making some noise about Jan 6. Democrats go on and on ad nauseam that they are protectors of democracy, all the while destroying the very foundations of the Constitution and democracy. There are more than 725 people who have been arrested for crimes tied to the assault on the Capitol and investigations are still ongoing, and more than one-tenth of those 87 have been sentenced as of Jan. 21. The big question is what else can be done besides consistently calling, writing and emailing our (mostly apathetic) elected officials and demanding n investigation and reckoning? Curzio, who has ties with a white supremacist gang and was at the front of the crowd on Jan. 6, pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count and served the maximum sentence of six months in jail. Department of Justice You didnt just come up and sock a guy in the face, Lamberth said at the sentencing. And on December 19, 2022, the select committee recommended four charges against Trump: The recommendations, however, don't carry legal weight and the DOJ isn't obligated to follow them. On Jan. 6, 2021, rioters broke into the U.S. Capitol. Your news.Sign up for the Capitol Breach email newsletter, delivering the latest breaking news and a roundup of the investigation into the Capitol Riots on January 6, 2021. And that has more value than all the money in the world. FBI agents conducted a campaign of "shock and awe," in the words of a top prosecutor, making arrests as the Department of Justice rushed to bring charges. Not to do so raises serious suspicions, suggesting those in charge can do as they wish, are unaccountable. "I will supervise the prosecution of white supremacists and others who stormed the Capitol on January 6 a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government," Garland said. More than 325 of them have pleaded guilty. When Brandon Fellows first arrived in C2B in the summer of 2021, he hoped to find camaraderie with his fellow "patriots," as he calls them. Jail Were Ignored Until Jan. 6 Defendants Came Along; The Crisis at the D.C. ", Pro-Trump supporters storm the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. 6 Jan 2023 Two years ago, on January 6, 2021, a crowd of thousands attacked the United States Capitol in an effort to stop the certification of the 2020 election results, spurred on by. That should not be hard. Department of Justice Thompson took part in the rioting for nearly three hours on Jan. 6, during which time he assaulted a police officer with a metal baton. Even convicted murderers and terrorists enjoy more rights than the January 6th detainees. About 465 rioters have pleaded guilty and entered into plea deals. I dont have money, but I have time and I can write. Although he wandered away from his truck and never used any of them, his sentence is one of the longest yet imposed in the Capitol attack investigation. He received eight months in federal prison and two years of supervised release. In all, a dozen current and former inmates of C2B said they wanted the Patriot Freedom Project to be more transparent. He had sent a text earlier that day that said, Calm before the STORM, seemingly referring to a cataclysmic event in which QAnon followers believed that Donald Trump would expose a cabal of satanic pedophiles. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital While these numbers represent just a fraction of the criminal cases to date, they have already become a template for future sentences a foundation that is likely to solidify further as more and more cases reach their conclusion. Totally disgusting Standing by is the ACLJ, who meets with each wrongfully imprisoned J6-er and begins to file a case on behalf of each prisoner individually, and collectively as a class action against DC Govt the Capitiol Police, the C^^IA, and F^^BI. The allegations made by prosecutors are consistent with his behavior inside the jail, according to Smocks. That is exactly what we should all be doing, putting the truth of events out there constantly, exposing corruption Democrats and RINOs, putting the history of our founding, the writings of the Founders, the history of the world and exposing how it is repeating. The record is strangely incomplete, access restricted, word barely getting out, and what we know is not reassuring. But prison time may be another story. "These are people who have a very good, close to the ground assessment of who needs what," D'Souza said on his podcast, "so there's no money going to administrative costs or any sort of rigmarole. Though there may have been as many as. In the past, the group has pointed to the "Statement of Activities" document posted on its website. 978. Some of those trials are months,. RELATED: New Capitol threat leads to greater show of force, more officers on duty Friday, ahead of Justice for J6 rally. All political solutions are gone! Following her arrest, Courtright withdrew from college. Each prisoner is then called before the committee. On the Patriot Freedom Project's own podcast, Hughes was more defiant in her defense against critics of the group, saying: "They don't affect me because my work speaks for itself.". Everyone participating in the mob contributed to that violence.. Court documents show that Languerand, a QAnon follower, threw various objects at officers with the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department, including an orange traffic barrier and two stick-like objects. Languerand, age 26 at his sentencing, pleaded guilty in November to assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers with a dangerous weapon. He has pleaded not guilty and denied the allegations. "I personally have not gotten a dime out of it," Fellows told NPR, even though the Patriot Freedom Project featured Fellows' photo on its website until recently. It also helps to quiet the obvious concern that every law-abiding citizen should have in light of this scenario. Due to COVID-19 protocols, Fellows and other inmates in C2B spent long stretches of the last year alone in their cells for 22 or 23 hours a day. stophate.com/january-6 While prison sentences have been light for most of the defendants, judges have shown little tolerance for those who attacked law enforcement that day. Fifth, especially in these cases, justice should return to being swift and fair, since the question now arises whether a Democrat-controlled federal and DC government, where anti-Trump feeling runs strong, could be intentionally disregarding these Americans, letting them languish. as well as other partner offers and accept our. In so doing they (whoever they are) are in control of the narrative. "I truly commend Cindy for stepping up to the plate and helping out these patriot families when no one else was there for them," he said. ", Fellows, 28, is facing comparatively minor charges compared to some others in the D.C. jail. They are permitted to talk with several of these prisoners & & join them to sing the National Anthem each night together at 9pm. Stewart Rhodes, the founder of right-wing militia group Oath Keepers and Kelly Meggs, the leader of the organizations Florida chapter were both convicted of seditious conspiracy (the agreement between two or more people to overthrow the government) in November 2022 due to their roles in the insurrection. Trump supporters clash with police and security forces as people try to storm the US Capitol. No one arrested for being in the Capitol on January 6th has been charged with insurrection, sedition or anything even close to toppling the government. He has pleaded not guilty but was detained before trial because a federal judge. Of those 255, 85 have been charged with using deadly or dangerous weapons or causing injury to law enforcement officers. Others close to Patriot Freedom Project have suggested their critics are just trying to get a bigger portion of the donated funds. Long Waits, Short Appointments, Huge Bills. At the time of his arrest, he bore tattoos with Nazi symbology associated with that gang and was wearing a necklace with a Thors-hammer pendant, the Justice Department wrote. More than 200 people have pleaded guilty and more than 80 have already been sentenced. Current and former inmates said prosecutors' description of Hale-Cusanelli is consistent with what they witnessed in jail. We hear of these nameless individuals all the time but no names, charges or detention locations given. we must DEMAND it today!!! But prison time may be another story. The officers were protecting the Lower West Terrace entrance to the Capitol. Hughes said, as of now, "I don't have financial problems.". A handful of inmates said their experience of being arrested had turned them away from Donald Trump. "He would sit at the table closest to his cell and draw antisemitic characters on the table," said Smocks. He has pleaded not guilty but was detained before trial because a federal judge found that he posed a danger to the community. "It perpetuates a stereotype that I resent about Trump supporters being racist and intolerant, because we're not. Government recommendation: A summary of what sentencing terms the government sought ahead of the judges determination. What J6 prisoners did on that day can and will be known. Following his prison term, Rubenacker will be placed on three years of supervised release. Ho! He also urged the mob to help him push against law enforcement officers on the Lower West Terrace, putting up his fingers and yelling One, two, three, push! multiple times. WASHINGTON Nearly three dozen people charged with crimes related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol who are being held at Washington, D.C.'s jail have asked to be transferred. Not a single J6 detainee has been charged with insurrection, but only minor offenses like trespassing, unlawful entry, etc. ", RELATED: Alleged Proud Boy tries for bond a 3rd time, after 2 judges have denied him, for charges stemming from Capitol riot, RELATED: Oath Keepers say Capitol riot charges 'unconstitutionally vague,' want indictment tossed. Samuel Corum/Getty Images The House of Representatives narrowly voted to create a commission on June 30, 2021. Court documents show Rubenacker, age 26 at his sentencing, engaged in a series of confrontations with law enforcement while inside the Capitol, and was among the small crowd that chased Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman up the stairs outside the Senate Chamber. As donations have grown, so have resentments. Palmers prison sentence is more than a year-and-a-half longer than any other defendant. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Members of Congress, notably Republicans, have decried conditions are intolerable. (Hughes did not respond to NPR's questions about that claim. Defendants repeated violent assaults on law enforcement for the purpose of overturning a democratic election warrant a significant term of imprisonment, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Juman wrote in the sentencing memo Dec. 10. Current and former inmates said prosecutors' description of Hale-Cusanelli is consistent with what they witnessed in jail. "I divided it by the amount of people in C2B, and I got all excited," he said. Robert Palmer was sentenced in mid-December to more than five years 63 months in prison after he admitted to swinging a pole at police and throwing a fire extinguisher and wooden plank at officers. Heres a look at what happened to 14 of the most high-profile Jan. 6 rioters. McCarthy also suggested it was unfair that the Jan. 6 panel, which disbanded once Republicans took control of the House, released security video during the riot of former Vice President Mike Pence . "I think there's enough evidence to warrant an investigation a third-party audit," said Fellows. It took around four hours to secure the building so Congress could certify President Bidens election win. According to Justice Department officials, more than 140 federal prosecutors have been working on cases related to the January 6 attack in concert with FBI agents from all 50 states in the year and a half since a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol in hopes of preventing Congress from certifying President Joe Bidens 2020 election victory. Coffman, age 72 at his sentencing in April, was also carrying two handguns at the time of his arrest. Clean house of all leftist ideology employees. What can I do? C-Span. Second, reporters, family, friends, and concerned citizens should be able to meet with these indefinitely detained individuals. I do not know but how nice to know that I have not been the only person sorrowing on behalf of some (the vast majority, I suspect) whose participation was not criminal. The main driver of this conflict, according to C2B inmates, along with their attorneys and family members, is the growing pool of money donated in the name of the Jan. 6 defendants. He was ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution. It seems as if our nations capital has been hijacked by rogue actors who operate apart from and in opposition to the constitution thats supposed to protect us, who are accountable only to themselves, and who are legally untouchable. Over two years later, more than 1,000 people have been charged. They were not merely disorderly, as countless videos show the mob that attacked the Capitol was violent. The Long Island DJ who recorded himself smoking marijuana inside the U.S. Capitol building was sentenced to three years and five months in prison after pleading guilty to all 10 charges he faced, including civil disorder and committing an act of physical violence on Capitol grounds. Absence violates rule of law. Reports flow in through family, friends, official and credible channels that these detainees are isolated, living in poor conditions, cannot meet with reporters, are increasingly invisible, just forgotten people. It could have been any one of us! Kash Kelly said it was false to claim anyone in C2B was a white supremacist. Brandon Fellows pleaded not guilty to charges from his involvement on Jan. 6. You may opt-out by. "There is no threat to anybody from our peaceful protest on behalf of the political prisoners who have been persecuted as a result of the Jan. 6 rally," Braynard said. And so the decision to hold a disparate group of alleged Capitol rioters from all over the country including people linked by prosecutors to the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers and QAnon in one section of the jail for a protracted period has had unintended consequences. You didnt slug anybody, but what you did here was actually obstruct the functioning of the whole government. And they still eat up his broken promises. So, what can be done to assure that America unlike Russia, China, and half the politicized legal systems of the world does NOT hold, detain indefinitely, mistreat, forget, or otherwise leave an impression that political prisoners exist, part of a nefarious two-tiered system?. `` the best day of my life, how many jan 6 rioters are still in jail I can write appeared on Steve Bannon 's `` Room. No names, charges or detention locations given the Democrats secret army typically have a period... 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