Points will remain on the license for 2.5 to 10 years, depending on the severity of the offense. the provisions governing the use of seat belts and the wearing of safety helmets (section 21a); 6. the prohibition of leading animals from motor vehicles and animals other than dogs from pedal cycles (third and fourth sentences of section 28(1)); 7. the ban on driving on Sundays and public holidays (section 30(3)); 8. the prohibition of taking obstacles onto the road (section 32(1)); 9. the prohibitions of using loudspeakers and offering goods or services on the road (section 33(1)(1) and (2)); 10. the prohibition of displaying advertisements and publicity in combination with traffic signs (second sentence of section 33(2)), but only for the spaces of illuminated columns on which public transport stop signs are mounted; 11. the prohibitions or restrictions based on regulatory signs (Annex 2), informatory signs (Annex 3), traffic installations (Annex 4) or instructions (section 45(4)); 12. the prohibition of parking at night and on Sundays and public holidays (section 12(3a)). The other road users must show consideration for pedal cyclists. The maximum speed for vehicular traffic is 30 kph. This means that if you return home and do not pay traffic fines in Germany, you may also face extra costs for enforcement action. On May 1, 2014 a new penalty point system for traffic violations was put into place. In addition, pedal cyclists may use right-hand verges if there are no cycle tracks and pedestrians are not obstructed. (9) Pedestrians must not enter motorways. picking up or setting down passengers; and, they are overtaking another vehicle outside a built-up area (section 5(5)); or. c) buses and coaches towing a trailer or carrying passengers who have to stand because all the seats are taken; a) which, according to the entry in Part I of their registration certificate, are permitted to travel at a maximum speed of 100 kph; b) which are constructed principally for the carriage of seated passengers and in which the passenger seats are designed as coach-style seating; c) which are fitted with seat belts on all seats and on wheelchair spaces if they are used for the carriage of wheelchair users; d) which are fitted with a speed limiter set to a maximum speed of 100 kph (Vset); e) which meet the requirements of Directive 2001/85/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2001 relating to special provisions for vehicles used for the carriage of passengers comprising more than eight seats in addition to the drivers seat, and amending Directives 70/156/EEC and 97/27/EC (OJ L 42, 13.2.2002, p. 1) in the version in force at the time of the first registration of the bus or coach in question; f) which are not fitted with regrooved tyres on their front steering axle; or. A person operating a vehicle may park here. The supplementary sign is mounted above sign 206. In the case of permits granted under section 29(3) and exemptions granted under section 46(1)(5), it shall be sufficient for road users to carry with them faxed documents or printouts of permits or exemptions granted and signed electronically and their digitized form on a storage medium provided that this digitized form is such that it can be made readable if requested by authorized persons in the event of a check. Not having a defined speed limit does not mean motorists can drive however they choose. At intersections and junctions within the zone, the right of way rule described in the first sentence of section 8(1) (vehicles from the right have priority over vehicles from the left) must always apply. When crossing, they must pay attention to vehicles approaching from both directions. There is a great deal of commerce on German roads, and a driver can usually expect to find a mixture of fast-moving cars and slow moving trucks. Outside built-up areas, the maximum speed limits applicable to certain types of vehicle (section 3(3)(2)(a) and (b) and section 18(5)) remain unaffected if a higher speed is permitted by this sign. German traffic police expect drivers to respond appropriately to the weather conditions and to ensure their conduct is always safe. Pedestrians guilty of this offence must pay a 5 fine. (3) Flashing amber lights warn of danger. If there are only small amounts discovered for personal use, law officials can use their discretion. A person operating a vehicle must not cross lane markings if this would endanger traffic. For vehicles travelling in lane B, the marking indicates: Vehicles travelling in lane B may cross the marking if they do not endanger traffic by doing so. For an initial drink-driving offence, the fine is 500. If you have a blood alcohol level of more than 0.3 but also are cycling in a dangerous, careless or reckless manner, you will also receive three penalty points and may be prosecuted. In the version of 6 March 2013 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 367 ff. Sec. where it is prohibited by a traffic sign (sign 276, 277). (7) If roads are marked as priority roads or as diversion routes, road works narrowing the carriageway require the approval of the road traffic authority, with the exception of routine road maintenance and emergency measures. Nor must advertising and publicity within built-up areas cause traffic disruption outside built-up areas. a) A supplementary sign may restrict parking, in particular with regard to a time limit or types of vehicle, or limiting it to residents holding a permit or to vehicles displaying a pay-and-display ticket or parking disc.b) A supplementary sign showing figure 318 (parking disc) and stating the number of hours indicates the requirement that vehicles must display a parking disc and the maximum duration for which they may be parked.c) A supplementary sign may exempt residents holding a special permit from the requirement to display a pay-and-display ticket or parking disc.d) A supplementary sign showing the wheelchair symbol may restrict parking to disabled persons with severe walking difficulties, bilateral amelia or phocomelia or with comparable functional impairments and blind persons.e) Permission to park only applies if the pay-and-display ticket, parking disc or special permit is displayed or affixed such that it is clearly legible. Organizers must ensure that traffic regulations as well as any other provisions and conditions are complied with. The colour sequence for pedestrians is green red green; it may be the same for pedal cyclists. Horse riders, persons accompanying horses or livestock and drovers are subject mutatis mutandis to the rules and regulations uniformly applicable to vehicular traffic as a whole. To separate traffic travelling in the opposite direction, the centre line may consist of double lines. German traffic regulations establish a recommended speed limit of ___ unless otherwise posted for a normal POV on the autobahn. This is equivalent to two small beers for an average-sized man. Everything you need to know about Income Tax in Germany. Explanation In derogation from the first sentence, motor vehicles for which seat belts are not required by law for all seats may carry as many passengers as the number of seats available. (5) The leader of the formation must make sure that the provisions applicable to close formations are observed. A person riding a pedal cycle must obey the light signals controlling vehicular traffic. German traffic regulations establish a recommended speed limit of ___ unless otherwise posted for a normal POV on the autobahn. If they cross the carriageway at an intersection or junction, they must always use pedestrian crossings or markings at traffic light signals that are provided there. Seatbelts must be worn by all passengers. to vehicles entering the road from an earth track or forest path. (6) General warning signs are shown in Part 1 of Annex 1. Two of the following prohibitions may be combined on one sign. Traffic signs are classified into warning signs, regulatory signs and informatory signs. Nor is the use of the main beam on continuously and adequately lit roads permitted. They can also give positive instructions or indicate a prohibition. Thus, theres no need to panic if you commit a minor speeding offense just pay it promptly and learn from it! Double centre line comprising one continuous and one broken line. The nature of the parking restriction is indicated by a supplementary sign. a red light is flashing or an amber or red light signal shows; the barriers are being lowered or are closed; a railway official signals road users to stop; or. when herding livestock, a non-dazzling lamp emitting white light at the front and a lamp emitting red light at the rear; when accompanying large animals, even if there is only one of them, or livestock, a non-dazzling lamp emitting white light, which must be clearly visible on the left-hand side from the front and from behind. Youve settled into your new life here in Germany. (4) The load may project beyond the rear of the vehicle up to a length of 1.5 metres; in transport operations over distances of up to 100 km, however, up to a length of 3 metres; journeys made outside the territory covered by the present Regulations are not taken into account. If they have to pull out, they must observe traffic approaching from behind and indicate their intention of pulling out and of moving back to the right-hand side of the road again, in the same way as if they were overtaking. If necessary, other vehicles must wait. (2) A person operating a vehicle must take their vehicle, combination of vehicles or animal-drawn vehicle off the road via the shortest route if any technical defects which have occurred while the vehicle was in motion, and which seriously affect road safety, cannot be repaired without delay; however, motorcycles and pedal cycles may then be pushed. the first sentence does not apply to buses and coaches with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes; children aged three and over may be restrained on rear seats using the seat belts required by law if it is not possible to fit further child restraints because other children are being restrained using child restraint systems; persons engaged in door-to-door operations if they have to regularly leave their vehicle at short intervals within the area in which they are providing their services or delivering goods; vehicles travelling at walking pace, e.g. the carrying out of studies into the overall accident situation, road user behaviour, traffic flows and the trialling of planned traffic safety or regulation measures. The permit, ticket or disc must be displayed or affixed such that it is clearly legible. Whoever is responsible for such obstacles to traffic must immediately remove them and, until they have done so, mark them sufficiently. False. if they intend to operate more than 30 motor vehicles in a close formation (section 27); in every other case of exceptional use of the road, with the exception of that specified in the second sentence of section 29(3). (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), public holidays are: Corpus Christi (only in the Federal States of Baden-Wrttemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland); Reformation Day (31 October) (only in the Federal States of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia); All Saints Day (only in the Federal States of Baden-Wrttemberg, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland); (1) Sports and games are not permitted on the carriageway, verges and cycle tracks. Speed limits on road traffic, as used in most countries, set the legal maximum speed at which vehicles may travel on a given stretch of road. But what would happen if there was an emergency? Warning lamps on these installations show a red light if the entire carriageway is closed; otherwise an amber light or flashing amber light is used. Germany's federal government has rejected proposals to impose speed limits on the country's autobahn network. A person operating a vehicle must not stop on the carriageway for longer than three minutes, except to pick up or set down passengers or for loading or unloading. These are very carefully designed to reflect the severity of the misdemeanor, so youre not punished harshly for a minor offence. A black arrow on a red light gives the order to stop, a black arrow on an amber light to wait for the next signal, in both cases only for the direction in which the arrow is pointing. If you get eight or more points on your license, you will lose it. (6) Spotlights may be used for a short time only and not for the purpose of illuminating the carriageway. (3b) On carriageways for both directions of traffic with four lanes marked by lane markings (sign 340), the two left-hand lanes in the direction of travel are solely for the use of oncoming traffic; they must not be used for overtaking. Sign 314.1Start of a parking management zone. (04 September 2018), (Source: Federal Law Gazette I 2013, pp. Upon passing this sign, several special traffic regulations go into effect: Speed limit: 50 km/h; You may not honk your horn except when necessary to avoid a collision. (1) Pushed wheelchairs and wheelchairs with hand grips, sledges, prams and pushchairs, childrens scooters and pedal cycles, roller blades, roller skates and similar non-motorized means of locomotion are not be deemed to be vehicles within the meaning of the present Regulations. In all other cases with the exception of breakdowns (section 15) and vehicles being towed away (section 15a) road users may switch on their hazard warning lights only if others are endangered by their vehicle or if they want to warn others of any dangers, for instance when approaching a tailback or when driving especially slowly on motorways or other roads where high speeds are permitted. The Internet is a network, the World Wide Web is what it is 15. (4) Traffic signs may be mounted on a white backing board. They take precedence over the instructions given by fixed traffic signs. 29. behaviour following a traffic accident, pursuant to section 34(1)(1), section 34(1)(2), section 34(1)(5) or section 34(1)(6)(b) if, in the last-named case, the person concerned waits for a reasonable length of time but does not leave their name and address at the scene of the accident or pursuant to section 34(3); shall be deemed to have committed a traffic offence within the meaning of section 24 of the Road Traffic Act. Before getting on the road, review the list below to better understand the rules around United States road signs and stop lights. MDOT Traffic and Safety 6 6/19/12 A speed limit should generally not be recommended when the length of the total zone would be less than onehalf- of a mile in length. In particular, it is prohibited to leave vehicle engines running unnecessarily or to create excessive noise when closing vehicle doors. It is true that Germany does not have a reputation for being a country of reckless and dangerous drivers. In traffic-calmed shopping precincts (section 45(1d)), edge of carriageway markings may also be designed using different means, in particular by lines of paving setts. In general, speed limits in Germany are based on kilometers per hour or "km/h". During the hours of darkness, when visibility is poor or if the traffic situation so requires, they must walk in single file. Which vehicles have to stop? (1) An individual operating a vehicle on a highway shall operate that vehicle at a careful and prudent speed not greater than nor less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the highway and of any other condition existing at the time. Explanation Its probably for the best, as otherwise, anyone could theoretically check if other people have incurred fines, which would be a violation of privacy. The presence of a truck stop is indicated once by this sign placed on the right-hand edge of the carriageway 500 to 1,000 metres before sign 448. A shorter distance may be Traffic allowed to proceed may turn off in accordance with the rules of section 9; it may turn left, however, only if no rail-borne vehicles are impeded by its doing so. (8) In particularly hazardous situations, the cattle crossing and horse riders symbols and symbols with the following meaning can be provided as warning signs in accordance with Annex 1: Low flying aicraft or sudden aircraft noise. If a parking meter or a parking ticket machine is not in working order, parking is only allowed up to the maximum parking time indicated. (7a) Vehicles operated by companies that provide universal services under section 11 of the Postal Act in conjunction with section 1(1) of the Universal Postal Services Regulations or vehicles operated by companies that provide these universal services on their behalf (subcontractors) may, in derogation from Annex 2, no 21 (sign 242.1), also use pedestrian zones outside the hours shown on supplementary signs for access by residents and vehicles making deliveries if this is necessary for making punctual collections from post boxes of for collecting letters in stationary facilities. Unfortunately, there isnt. If, however, permission under section 29(3) or an exemption under section 46(1)(5) is to be granted, the administrative authority granting this permission or exemption is responsible; pursuant to section 46(1)(4a) for persons of small stature and pursuant to section46(1)(4a) and (4b) for persons without hands, the road traffic authority in whose district the applicants residence is located, also for areas outside its district; pursuant to section 46(1)(4c), the road traffic authority in whose district the applicant has their residence, their place of business or a branch office; pursuant to section 46(1)(5), the road traffic authority in whose district the movement requiring permission begins, or the road traffic authority in whose district the applicant has their residence, their place of business or a branch office; pursuant to section 46(1)(5b), the road traffic authority in whose district the applicant has their residence, also for areas outside its district; pursuant to section 46(1)(7), the road traffic authority in whose district goods are to be loaded, or the road traffic authority in whose district the applicant has their residence, their place of business or a branch office. As a centre line, this sign separates the portion of the carriageway to be used by traffic travelling in the opposite direction or several lanes for traffic travelling in the same direction. on sections of road that are narrow and where visibility is restricted; in front of and on officially marked access roads for fire engines; before and after intersections and junctions up to a distance of 5 metres from the intersection points of the carriageway edges; where it would block access to marked parking spaces; in front of entrances to and exits from properties bordering on the road; on narrow roads also opposite such entrances and exits; over manhole covers and other such covers, where parking on the footway is permitted by sign 315 or by marked parking spaces (Annex 2, number 74); in exclusively or generally residential areas. Regulatory Sign - A sign that gives notice to road users of traffic laws or regulations. If supplementary signs permit use of a cycle track by another type of road user, these users must show consideration for pedal cyclists and the other vehicular traffic must, if necessary, adapt its speed to that of the pedal cyclists. Before crossing a carriageway, the children and the responsible person accompanying them must dismount. Anyone failing to observe traffic rules shall, on receipt of a summons from the road traffic authority or from officials designated by it, be obliged to attend a training course on road user behaviour. To prevent harmful environmental effects resulting from air pollutants, a low emission zone is stipulated in an air quality action plan or a plan for measures to be taken at short notice under section 47(1) or (2) of the Federal Immission Control Act and imposed on the basis of section 40(1) of the Federal Immision Control Act. The Catalogue of Traffic Signs is published in the Federal Ministry of Transport Gazette by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Infrastructure. the prohibition on the carriage of persons where this is not permissible (section 21); 5b. In 2018, 92,667 drivers lost their licenses completely and 464,179 who were subject to a shorter ban or suspension. German participates in a cross-country fine co-operation scheme. A bell may indicate that the barriers are about to be lowered. Supplementary signs display black symbols, drawings or worded legends on a white background with a black border, unless otherwise specified. Home Fields of Law Public Road Traffic Regulations (Straenverkehrs-Ordnung, StVO) with Annexes. The first sentence does not apply to commercial vehicles used for agricultural and forestry purposes or to emergency vehicles operated by the organizations referred to in section 35(1) if no snow tyres are available for these vehicles due to their design. The fine for testing between 0.5 and 1.09 depends on whether it is your first offence. Any case of drink-driving where the blood alcohol is 1.10 or higher will automatically result in a six month ban from driving and a fine of at least 500. (4) Pedal cyclists must ride in single file; they may only ride two or more abreast if this does not obstruct traffic. They must show particular consideration towards pedestrians. (4) Outside built-up areas, stationary vehicles are to be illuminated using their own light source. At sign 310, drivers must reduce the speed to 50 km/h until a sign appears allowing a higher speed limit or sign indicating the end of city boundary i.e. Speed limits frame expectations for drivers and other roadway users. They may then ride two abreast on the carriageway. Warning signs may be installed only where this is necessary to ensure traffic safety because even an alert road user cannot recognize the danger, or cannot recognize it in good time, and cannot be expected to anticipate it. Persons of at least 16 years of age may carry up to two children under the age of seven in trailers towed by pedal cycles and suitable for the carriage of children The restriction to children under the age of seven does not apply to the carriage of a disabled child. German Autobahnen are widely known for having no federally mandated standard velocity restrict for some lessons of cars. (5) Where agreements or special arrangements for foreign armed forces have not been concluded, the higher administrative authorities or the agencies designated under the relevant federal state legislation shall grant permission for the exceptional use of roads by the Federal Armed Forces or by the forces of the non-German states parties to the North Atlantic Treaty; they shall also grant permission for the exceptional use of roads by the Federal Police, police forces and disaster control services. (2) Permission is required for events involving motor vehicles if they are likely to cause a disturbance during the night. (6) Prior to the beginning of works affecting road traffic, the contractors must obtain instructions from the competent authority, as described in subsections (1) to (3), as to how their road works sites are to be guarded and marked, whether, and if so how, traffic is to be restricted, guided and regulated, even if the road is only partially closed, and whether, and if so how, road closures and diversions are to be marked; the building contractors must also submit a traffic sign plan. The low emission zone is marked on the basis of section 45(1f). Yes. The same applies to the provision governing the compulsory wearing of seat belts or protective helmets (section 21a). For level crossings of railways providing public transport services, only the railway companies may prescribe a certain behaviour of road users by means of flashing lights or light signals, by red-and-white striped barriers or by the installation of a St Andrews Cross. They have the same rights with regard to: (1a) In addition, they have the same rights: 3. in recreational resorts of special importance; 4. in areas of countryside and parts of towns and cities used primarily for recreational purposes; 4a. the provision stating that road users may park in a no waiting zone (sign 290.1 and 290.2) only during the hours indicated (section 13(2)); 4c. A person operating a vehicle must not stop up to 10 metres in front of a light signal if this would conceal the signal. On a six lane road - the minimum speed for the fast lane is 110 km/h, middle lane is 90 km/h, and slow lane is 60 km/h. (3) If visibility is seriously reduced owing to fog, snowfall or rain, dipped headlights must also be used during the hours of daylight. = 45/20 A person wishing to turn left may only take up a position on rails running parallel to the road if they do not impede a rail-borne vehicle. (3a) When roads are slippery due to freezing rain, packed snow, slush, black ice or hoar frost, a motor vehicle may not be operated unless it is fitted with tyres that have the characteristics described in Annex II, paragraph 2.2 of Council Directive 92/23/EEC of 31 March 1992 relating to tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers and to their fitting (OJ L 129, 14.5.1992, p. 95), as amended by Directive 2005/11/EC (OJ L 46, 17.2.2005, p. 42) (snow tyres). in respect of local measures for the protection of species and biotopes: 4b. On these motorways, as well as on motor roads with two carriageways separated by a central reservation or any other structures outside built-up areas, the maximum permissible speed, even under the most favourable circumstances, is: a) motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, with the exception of passenger cars; b) passenger cars towing a trailer, goods vehicles towing a trailer, motor homes towing a trailer and tractor units towing a trailer; and. A driver whose license has been revoked must pass a physical and mental status examination (MPU) before they can get it back. They are mounted directly, usually below, the sign to which they refer. On signs repeated on the section of road to which the prohibition applies, one arrowhead points towards the carriageway and the second arrowhead points away from it. Law officials may still prosecute you for small amounts, depending on your personal history, the type of drug and whether others are involved. Where do you even start? (2) Driving with position lights (sidelights) only is not permitted. * The passages in [] were not included in the official translation. This applies in particular to devices designed to interfere with or indicate speed measurement activities (radar detectors or laser jammers). Nor does it apply on roads with at least two lanes for each direction marked by a centre line (sign 295) or by lane markings (sign 340). Direction, the sign to which they refer, stationary vehicles are to be illuminated using their own Source... Obstacles to traffic must immediately remove them and, until they have done so, mark them sufficiently point. Road signs and stop lights of persons where this is equivalent to small! Are likely to cause a disturbance during the night to respond appropriately to the weather conditions and to ensure conduct... 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