The fear that this race inspired in the natives of localities adjoining their boundaries reached as far as Dungog, and twenty years ago when Brandy was the last of his tribe in the district he would often mention with apparently genuine fear, the possibility of a raid by the wild blacks from the west. They lived for the most part, he says, on opossums, kangaroos, wallabies, birds and fish. river was deep in those days), and would climb along a steep bank hanging on by the skin of their teeth. The shepherds were very scared as was very natural, and came to beg that I should double the flocks so that two of the men might always be together. The upper end of this pole is ornamented by having, a bunch of green leaves or grass tied around it. By this time the men had commenced a steady clapping of barragans (boomerangs) or any other implement they may have had. Poisoning is the most cowardly form of massacre and the Aboriginal race cannot, do not, forget despite their kindly nature. I also gave them a musket. Early in the thirties the A.A. Coy. In the course of time, they were, therefore, thoroughly disciplined and properly trained. The men stoop down, and clear away with their hands all leaves and rubbish from the surface of the ground around each tree, and the novices are brought to this clear space, with their heads bowed, and are told to look up at the marks on the tree. The Gloucester Advocate (NSW : 1905 - 1954) Tuesday 7 March 1939 p 4 Old Days and Blacks. For instance, a party of us were preparing to go fishing in Fame Cove under the guidance of Billy Steward, a man who had once been steward on a boat. Capture of women from other tribes and elopements were common. Ganghat became anathema to the tribe a valley of death. A possum or kangaroo would be placed on top of a glowing fire and when half cooked one of the older men would remove it and proceed to dismember it. All of them then join hands, each man having hold of the hand of the man or boy on his right and oni his left, having their faces toward the fire in the centre, and form a complete circle round the women. I have edited out many instances of phrases such as howling savages and gins and have tried to keep the excerpts as cultural reportage, not cultural judgement, but inevitably the historical reports indicate the white cultural mores of the time. Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation chief executive Laurie Perry said there were "tit-for-tat skirmishes" on the land, but "there was no massacre on the site or recorded massacre on the site". Whatever number of animals were required for the feast would be selected and openedThe paunch would be ripped open and it s con tents of undigested grass devoured with the greatest relish. He came straight up to the group, and within a dozen or so paces of us, threw on the ground his spears and boomerangs. From the time the novices left the kweealbang until now they have been compelled to carry pieces of burning bark everywhere they went, but they are now released from carrying the firebrands any more. After being prepared by their families, the boys were now ready to experience the transition from boyhood to manhood. It was amazing the speed at which these seemingly cumbersome craft could be driven through the water by their owners, their lightness and shallow draught having a good deal to do with this. Other traditional plant foods include the bulbs of many orchids and the starch from the crown of tree ferns and the starch from stinging tree roots being roasted to make bread. leaves which have been prepared for them, between the fire and the embankment bounding the ring, their guardians sitting down behind them in such a way that each boy may be said to be sitting in a mans lap. They never smiled nor did they ever applaud. The bearer, John McIntosh, ranger for our Association, will conduct any party that you will be pleased to send in the direction they are reported to be in. In the proximity of the new camp, on the side of it nearest the place to which the novices will be taken by the headmen, a piece of tolerably level ground is selected, and cleared of all timber and loose rubbish, and a large fire kindled in the middle of it. Another fishing superstition was In connection with eating fruit. The prisoner being ordered to stand remanded, Mr. Nichols rose to state a circumstance regarding the unfortu- nate man which had come under his personal observation. Tra ditional hunting grounds were depleted, and sacred sites were destroyed. Almost every evening one of the tribes present gets up a corroboree for the amusement of the others. The cause of it was Flash Tommy. He collected money from the whites who were watching the performance, and when asked what he was going to do with the money by Long Tommy, a black who worked at Irwins, he said he was going to keep it. The bull-roarers are then given into the hands of the novices, who touch their bodies with them. They never seemed to tire of the diet, and the schools of mullet yielded them more than enough for their wants during the period they would be in the harbor. One of our blacks asked me to give it up but rather than part with it I decided to let them finish their celebrations in peace The initiation of the novices was a memorable and important event. There were blacks present from Port Stephens, Gloucester, the Allyn and Paterson Rivers. Social - dances, association meetings and gatherings, visitors, and general gossip columns. The language spoken around Newcastle and Lake Macquarie called by the aborigines Awaaba was much the same, and the whole language was named Kurring-gai by some, and Awaabakal by others. . The Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation (WNAC) was established in 1999 and represents the Wonnarua people, the traditional land owners of the Hunter Valley of New South Wales (NSW). Their hair would be closely cropped; they would be covered with grease and charcoal, and their whole appearance would be as though they had indeed undergone some tremendous mental and physical strain.I have been told that circumcision was practiced among the coastal blacks in the early days, but during my time at Port Stephens this was never part of the ceremonies, nor was it ever the custom to knock out one of the front teeth of the initiates, although this was done in the early twenties when the A. The Katthang word for bull roarer, Goo-nan-duk-yer, means human shit eater. The Australian Museum has one of the worlds most-significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander collections, with artworks, technologies and cultural material representing First Nations communities from across Australia. As soon as the guardians, novices, and the contingent who follow them are out of sight of the kackaroo, the covering is taken off the women by the men who have charge of them, and they are permitted to rise. Gruesome and dark is that partly forgotten tale, justifiable only in the fact that the unfortunate whites concerned were beleaguered and wounded and the poisoned dampers were their last defensive resort. Hall and Mr. Darch followed them soon after, the whole party intending to go on to Gloucester to-night, as soon as the moon rises. Virtual event 100% FREE | March 2-4, 2023. When I departed from Port Stephens in 1873 to go to Queensland the tribe had dwindled to about fifty members. When baked in the ashes these yams were very palatable; and we, as children partook of them on every occasion that offered. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Tue 12 Apr 1910 Page 3 (TO THE EDITOR.). The day after the arrival of the Keeranga-or it may be in a few days time-very early in the morning, perhaps before. He did not own the land, the land owned him. In every creek, in every gully, lay dead blacks, and Ganghat became anathema; a place accursed, Then another name arose tor the locality Belbora (now mostly called Belbowrie.) Baal Bora to signify that the circular ceremonial of the Boombit should never more be enacted there Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 9 Nov 1923 Page 3 The Pioneers. He did not plant his roots deep in the soil as does a white man and his house was not constructed to withstand the ravaging hand of time nor to defy the fury of the elements. The men tap the ends of their boomerangs together as they walk, and the women wave their arms. The Kabook and Watoo people of the Gringai clan of the Worimi Nation (The Cook family) have lived continually in the Barrington for over 189 years recorded by the first white settlers 1826, until the present Cook Family Descendants from the Kabook and Watoo people speak the Kattang (or Gathang) language and it has been recorded that they are the last of the true custodians and Clan within the boundaries of the Allyn and Williams river up stream to Gummi Falls on the Manning River known as Kummi Kummi (Place of many Crystal stones), Barrington Tops (Beann Beann), Rawdon Vale, Barrington, Gloucester up to the Manning river down to Cresford the Karuah River and the Bulliac Tugrabakh Bora Ground area, some 13km from Gloucester. He also created the first initiation site. Fitzpatric does not comment on this and the poisonings are so far apart in time that it is impossible to say if they are one and the same or two separate massacres. After the dances and games are over, one of the men sometimes sounds a goonandhakeea (excrement-eater) in the bush near the camp. The web service Alexandria is granted from Memodata for the Ebay search. It is today difficult to ascertain what actually happened at the climax of the ceremony, but the spiritual experience was to be impregnated in the memories of these young boys until their final return to the spirit world. A section of the Kamilaroi occupied the upper waters flowing into the Hunter and Goulburn, and the easy gap from the west probably afforded them ready access for their raids. It was longer and narrower, shaped more like a wedge than the axe of to- day. But they seldom did this In the presence of the women. FamilySearch is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping all people discover their family story. The Dutton Family Tree, Explained. The mothers then pass out under the arms of the men; then the sisters pass out, and lastly all the other women and the men who had charge of them in the ring, and stand close by as spectators of the remainder of the proceedings. If the earth is damp, owing to recent rains, pieces of bark stripped from the adjacent trees, or heaps of bushes, are laid on the ground for the women to lie on. To the blacks the name became an anathema; knew them no more (sic). The keerang and other men who have remained in the camp then muster up all the women, and place them lying down round the fire, a little way outside the ring of bushes before referred to, the women of each tribe being kept in groups by themselves on the side next their own district, and are covered over with rugs and bushes. This exhibition featured a selection of the Museums collections from the Southern Highlands, Eastern Highlands and Western Highlands, including a variety of human hair wigs, feathered headdress, judge wigs, shells woven aprons and shell forehead ornaments. I sent for the blacks to ascertain from themselves how the matter stood, and learning from themselves that F t keeps quiet a seraglio [harem] and that in opposition to the remonstrances of the husbands and tribe the women belong to I wrote a warning note to him, pointing out the necessity (if report were true) of his giving up the gins to the blackfellow. It needed but little to divert the simple minds of the natives. When this painting is completed, two of the men go ahead by themselves, each of them carrying one or two boomerangs in his belt and one in his hand; in the other hand he carries a small bough ready for use by and bye. At the goonambang, spirit world and tribal world united in what was probably the deepest religious experience a Koori male would ever have. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Tue 23 Aug 1927 Page 6 MURDER BY BLACKS. a stir when a detachment entered the circle, and with dancing, yelling, and gesticulations, and brandishing of arms at intervals, all made a rush to the fire, yelling, and jumping on it until extinguished, when they retired. This smaller section was held in place by a binding of fibre and grass-tree gum. Nets are spread in a line upon the ground, and beside them are some coolamins containing water. It is therefore necessary to give them a little relaxation to afford them an opportunity of regaining their strength before attempting the journey to the kweealbang. The womerah, also common M most aboriginal tribes, was used to give further Impetus to the flight of a spear. For most people, when they see a family tree chart, all they see are interesting pieces of history to help them learn about where someone came from. In an article The Kattang, (kutthung) or Worimi: An Aboriginal Tribe by W. J Enright March 1932 Mankind p. 76) [Enright states]. The women and children are also told to lie down, and are covered over with rugs and bushes, some of the men running round amongst them to see that this formality is properly carried out. The lamentation at the grave and the chopping of heads.and burning of arms was something not easily to be forgotten. It is popularly known as the Baiame Cave and is part of a series of rock shelters on an area of 80 hectares. On hearing this noise, the guardians and other men present say to each other, That must be Thoorkooks dogs coming to kill the boys; let us cut steps in the trees near us so that the boys can climb up out of their way.. Genealogical Society of Utah (now FamilySearch) ca. Sir, I do myself the honor to state to you for the information of His Excel- lency the Governor that a formal complaint was made to me a few days ago, by a respectable person in this neighbourhood in favor of five aborigines whose names are in the margin [Derby, Purser, and three others]. The territories on which Canberra (Ngunnawal), Perth (Noongar),. . The attack on the solitary shepherds was tragically successful and five fell victims to the vengeance of the natives,. In some vague fashion they sensed a spirit existence, but in the fifties and sixties it was generally accepted that a dead native would go down blackfellow, jump up white-fellow.. Great care was exercised in selecting the right tree for the purpose as any fault, caused by a knot or protuberance, would spoil the value of the sheet when stripped. H e explained that he never felt a hit from a nullah, and only realised he had been struck when he noticed the blood streaming down his [face]. The women twisted this fibre to the required thickness and length by rolling it on the front part of the thigh with the hands. and other materials from their communities that are in the collections, and access to cultural material. Their attitude towards visiting blacks was also worthy of note. . He did not own the land, the land owned him.. Thus their visitor was put at his ease, and in a most tactful manner. The women started humming in a low drone. In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Baiame (or Biame, Baayami, Baayama or Byamee) was the creator god and sky father[1] in the Dreaming of several Aboriginal Australian peoples of south-eastern Australia, such as the Wonnarua, Kamilaroi, Guringay, Eora, Darkinjung, and Wiradjuri peoples. Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. Some with animals, others with birds and hands cut out of the bark. The spirit of Kawal is embodied in the wedge tailed eagle, found throughout the Hunter Valley. Discover your family history. Groups living near the Wonnarua include the Darkinjung and the Wirad During the journey thither the novices are not allowed to gaze about them, but have to keep their eyes cast upon the ground at their feet, and their hands held on their stomachs as they walk along with their guardians. The flesh was never more than half roasted indeed it was sometimes almost raw. It was no light task to make a boomerang, for a good deal of skill and more than an ordinary amount of patience was necessary. It was really a land of plenty. The men beleaguered in the hut were driven to dire straits, and as a last resource mixed arsenic in dampers and placed them where the natives had easy access to them. Visiting blacks was also worthy of note of to- day most tactful manner of rock shelters on an area 80... 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