Concern for his mother, who by the early 1990s had developed pancreatic cancer, held Eric back from taking the next logical step in his investigation. [69]It included over 200 pages of material directly linked to Mulholland and his involvement with the intelligence community. The asterisk at the end of this paragraph directs us to a footnote at the bottom of the page and here it comes: the Frank Olson story as a footnote to assassinations in Europe! American prisoners of war, paraded before the press by their North Korean captors, confessed in Zombie-like fashion that the US was using chemical and biological warfare against them. He was, however, closely associated with research projects supported indirectly by the CIA and had substantial experience with LSD. My fathers murder crossed a line in the sand which the U.S. government has always publicly respected. The most useful line of thought on this problem comes, I think, from philosopher Susanne Langer who in her multivolume studyMind: An Essay on Human Feelingemphasizes that perception is a complex act which consists of many components or phases, not all of which are synchronized and integrated with each other. Subsequently Dr Gottlieb and Frank Olson visited London and, according to Dr Sargent, he accompanied them to Porton Down, Britains main research centre for biological/chemical research. And he makes an attempt to confide in his brother-in-law Art. Were it not for The Shadow all that might have been true. And what is the remedy? But the CIA station chief balked and pitched the poison into a river, a congressional investigation later revealed. We asked the DAs office to reopen the case. Thats too bad he said. Twice each year, the MKNAOMI team from SOD held a working retreat where the Army scientists could plan and discuss future projects with their CIA counterparts. Believing this means, in my friend's words, ''leaving the known universe,'' the one in which it is innocently accepted that an agency of the American government would never do such a thing. It an inescapable reminder of the moment Erics life froze. Under ordinary circumstances, the 5MG shold be used as a fully automatic weapon. Frank Olsons family received $ 750,000 (then about GBP 400,000) to settle their claims in 1976. The Rockefeller Commissions account of the suicide of an Army scientist not only neglected to add the mans name and his CIA affiliation; it omitted any reference to his high position in the countrys most secret biological weapons laboratory. In spite of the fact that there is enough evidence against him, Kurt Blome will be acquitted in Nuremberg. Gottlieb referred to the result in these cases as reversible chemical lobotomysuggesting that the effects wear off. or not in something more nefarious than an accidental death. Among the things his father left behind, Eric Olson found some home movies and slides. The real target of mind control was the public to whom the story of a suicidal, deranged, drugged scientist would be told. Deadly chemicals were concocted for the sole purpose of inducing a heart attack or cancer without leaving a clue as to the actual source of the disease. He also directs the Hamon Center for Regenerative Science and Medicine and the Wellstone Center for Muscular Dystrophy Research. First, however, Gottlieb had to test the compatibility of LSD to his purpose. Falconer is responsible for developing anthrax bombs. It has been eight years since the exhumation. The one useful item he revealed was that Gottlieb had been with Olson in New York the week before he died a fact Gottlieb had failed to mention. She inquired no further nor did I volunteer anything more. That same year, Eric and Nils retained attorney Harry Huge, based in Washington, D.C., to represent them in their effort to re-open the case and instigate a criminal investigation. Olsons specialty at Fort Detrick was delivering deadly diseases in sprays and aerosol emulsions. I regret digging my fathers body up . Usually this will require the subversion of a unit of an official guard at a ceremony, though a skillful and determined team might conceivably dispose of a loyal gun crow without commotion and take over the gun at the critical time. His preservation is best explained by Ambassador Porter who reported to the Secretary of State that the body fortunately was found well-preserved, the coffin having been filled with alcohol but which had evaporated. Of course, like Frank Olson, the linen winding sheet in which both he and John Paul Jones had been wrapped was added protection against post-mortem decay. Frank Olson did not die as a consequence of a drug experiment gone awry. Because of the resemblance between an LSD trip and psychosis, much of the early research was focused on mental illness. The finding and the opening in Paris, France in 1905 of the leaden coffin of American Naval hero John Paul Jones, some 113 years after his death was one such instance. All this was set forth in language that adhered to the original stipulations put to Mulholland in April of 1953. But Saracco, now retired, found plenty to fuel his suspicions: a hotel room so cramped it was hard to imagine Olson vaulting through the closed window; motives to shut Olson up; the ambiguous autopsy; and the CIA assassination manual. He holds The Robert A. Welch Distinguished Chair in Science and the Annie and Willie Nelson Professorship in Stem Cell Research. English version: Mark Rossman Turned out, that stuffwas the prototype for Mace.. He died because of security concerns regarding disavowed programs of terminal interrogation and the use of biological weapons in Korea. In fact, many people had expressed distrust of the governments conduct of the Cold War and were rooting out past secrets, some of which were shameful and unethical. Ruwet indicated to investigators that he had appeared to be all mixed up. He and Lashbrook then took Olson to New York. Saracco, an ambitious, aggressive lawyer with no fear about taking on the American establishment, says that the men he wants named in the indictments will include some of Americas most respected CIA veterans and, if the grand jury agrees to his request to widen his investigations, former officers of the British Secret Intelligence and Security Services as well. Since 1953, Eric Olson has heard more than one explanation for his fathers mysterious death. On page and off page SEO b. They become mirrors of their culture. My meeting with the assistant medical examiner was most unsatisfactory. Plotting a covert germ assault is easier if the rooms cubic footage and ventilation system are known, he says. While interviewing Pastore he showed us the approximate location of a wooden barrier that had been in place at the time Olson fell. The essential point is this: it is necessary to insert the notion of psychological discrediting into theManchurian Candidate scenarioas it applies to the Frank Olson story. No report may be made. Gottliebs appearance, moreover, revealed little about the standards and procedures used in experiments by the CIAs private contractors. This is why, Eric has learnt, his father was recruited to Artichoke. Their first sons were born within a few days of each other in 1944. In the 1950/60 period that is relevant to the events surrounding your father, I was a senior BBC writer/producer employed by the Science Department. 34.52 Voice of Prof. James Starrs/George Washington University: TORPEDO RUN The ominous nature of such mind-control research was exposed to public view in the Hollywood movie The Manchurian Candidate, starring the late Frank Sinatra and Laurence Harvey. The latter circumstance may mean as a practical matter we would have no defense against the Olson law suit. They spent Thursday night at a Long Island hotel not far from Abramsons Long Island clinic. Along with Fremont-Smith, Abramson, and Leary, he occupied a spot on the agencys LSD pyramid. Having said as much, however, is most definitely, not an affirmation of the lack of LSD in those tissues at the time of Dr. Olsons death in 1953, or prior to it. [30]By winter, the manuscript was finally complete. At the time, it must have been a reassuring, and even heady, experience. There exists today no on-paper evidence (that anyone has yet uncovered) that MK-ULTRA was the progenitor of either a conspiracy to unleash remote-controlled lethal human robots or to emasculate an entire generation by oversaturating it with a mind-frying drug. If Gottlieb and Lashbrook are to be believed, each of the seven men received a relatively modest dose of 70 micrograms. All these anomalies Eric Olson has duly recorded on a Web site devoted to his fathers memory: Stark was a leading distributor of LSD in the late 1960s-the same time acid use was at its heaviest-and apparently a CIA operative. And that all was a most disturbing revelation. This quality of self-reflexivity largely derives from the devices of distanciation or alienation [The] means of representation are foregrounded. This foregrounding of devices, however, is not so much designed to produce a sense of aesthetic play [as] to offer the audience a place from which it can develop its own criticism of and judgment upon the actions represented. Notwithstanding, the DAs men had learned that two men had gone into Olsons room the night of his death. Without declaring it. , Yes, one more thing, I said. Sirhan has always maintained he has no memory of the night he shot Kennedy. I must check this. The stakes had become enormous. Is Gottlieb the only person in the shop? payroll, who may have tried to hypnotize him. back to TSS. In 1953 Dr. Gibson was the admitting psychiatrist at the hospital near Washington to which Frank Olson was allegedly to have been taken after returning from New York City. According to former CIA officials, Project MK/NAOMI was named after Abramsons assistant, Naomi Busner. The CIA leadership feared a mind control gap.. And it put forth techniques that could be used by teams of men working in tandem. It was also in March 1953 that he became mentally and emotionally disturbed. But the story is so strange, so reminiscent of the TV series The X-Files, that despite compelling evidence, it is uncertain that anyone will believe it. Even then he would have no knowledge of what happened to the products of Detrick when they left the encampment and he certainly had no idea that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had an offensive, first use policy for biological weapons applicable to the Korean War then in progress. ''He was trying to mumble something, but I couldn't make it out. Mr. Mulholland has agreed to undertake this task.Mulhollands compensation for this was raised from $150.00 per week to $200.00 per week. If you treat a whore nice, shell treat you nice. Bremen, Germany I went through each and every document page by page. In one, a voice had said, ''He's gone.'' Eric Olson. The scope of this subproject is the collection, in the form of a concise manual, of as much pertinent information as possible in the fields of(magic as it relates to covert activities). He played this role for 20 years, until his forced resignation and a two-year disappearance in Australia after CIA scandals began breaking out in 1973. CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing has been used to correct DMD mutations in animal. Immediately after Olsons fall, CIA officer Lashbrook phoned Abramson, the physician. program, and that the story of a bad trip on LSD had been concocted either as a cover-up for his murder or as a cloak that concealed the dagger they had figuratively used to kill him. According to Lashbrook, he and Olson were unable to get a departing flight until the weekend, so they settled for Thanksgiving dinner at a Horn & Hardart Automat, then checked into room 1018A of the Statler Hotel. Erics avocation had become a fixation that had eclipsed his career; having returned to the United States for good, he gave up his work as a clinical psychologist to focus full-time on his fathers case. Frank Olsons moral crisis culminated in his decision to quit his job during the weekend following the drugging, a fact which, again, is not mentioned in the Colby documents. Those factors would have an impact on his speed in exiting the room. The Americans save Kurt Blome, seen here on the left, from death by hanging. How people are finding the website B. But then in 1994, Frank Olsons only survivors, sons Eric and Nils, convinced noted forensic sleuth James E. Starrs of George Washington University, Washington, D.C., to disinter their fathers corpse and scientifically scrutinize the remains for any signs of suspected foul play. It was, as one former Detrick employee called it, ''a community of saints'' dedicated to using the most fearful and secret science to defend the republic. The ARTICHOKE report says only a partial amnesia was achieved. Eric finds himself wondering about a lot of things. Now the bizarre story had a face and a name, and journalists flocked to the event. If Ruwet is to be believed, Olson said he was ashamed to see his family in his present condition, and worried that he might become violent with his children. After the Soviets 1949 show trial of the Hungarian prelate Cardinal Jzsef Mindszenty, this pursuit turned into a race. Of course he only failed in a judgment call. 45.34 Voice of Eric Olson These cunts all thought I was a racketeer, Feldman explained. National security homicide and secret state assassination are not terms with which we are familiar in this country. Automobile accidents are a less satisfactory means of assassination. Unable to walk, he spent his earliest years in her arms. THEY GOT BACK In chase cases it will usually be necessary to stun or drug the subject before dropping him. While the cognoscenti had the benefit of tuned-in physicians, other psychedelic pioneers took their first trips as part of CIA-controlled research studies. (What Dr. Lashbrook told Dr. Gibson). These examples would be given with varying situations and the ways to accommodate procedure to meet variations. operative stating only that he was gone? The scenario presented in that manual dovetails not only with what we had learned from the forensic investigation, but also with what we had been told regarding the teaching of the Frank Olson case by the Mossads assassination training unit in Israel. 33.07 Voice of Ira (Ike) Feldman/Former CIA agent: General William Wild Bill Donovan, the founder of the Office of Strategic Services, Americas World war II spy agency liked to hire Wall Street lawyers and Ivy League academics to commit espionage. He told me that. Frank Olson had been buried in a sealed casket. [55]Conferring with Lashbrook on the scope and substance of this material would be only natural. If Olson was murdered, the question is why? The lawyer stated he would give the case no publicity. It is known also that in 1953, he was under contract with the C.I.A. Over the years, as he came to think about the claim that his fathers death resulted from a fatal nervous breakdown, he discovered that his father had been an employee of the C.I.A. Since a fanatic is unstable psychologically, he must be handled with extreme care. Unlike many in the Company, he is no dedicated brwon-noser. Pastore wasnt the only interested party to take note of the recent news headlines. Later that network extended to include members of Israels security services including senior members of Mossad. Author Robert Kaiser echoed that doctors conclusions in his book, James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of Martin Luther King, also had a known fascination with hypnosis, and, more recently, British lawyer Fenton Bressler has assembled circumstantial evidence to support a theory that Mark David Chapman, slayer of John Lennon, was subject to CIA mind control. When we can do it right.''. The CIA report offers no more details about Olsons doings on that Friday. This memo sets out the information provided by both Dr William Sargant, consultant psychiatrist, and William Buckley, former Station Chief of the CIA in Beirut, Lebanon. Frank Olson's specialty, it turned out, had been the development of aerosols for the delivery of anthrax. Did that Grand Jury meet and mark recommendations about investigating your fathers death? From 1918 to 1924, he taught industrial arts at the Horace Mann School in New York. Did Frank Olson hardly reticent about his growing ethical dilemma become a perceived security risk. Two matters of a bioengineering nature that drew our attention deserve separate mention here. It took me a while to remember this because it seemed so unlikely. It was a mystery, solved a week later when searchers found his decomposing remains on a Chesapeake Bay island. They couldnt afford to take the risk of letting my father continue to be involved or, considering all he knew, allowing him to quit. Overcoming a pronounced stutter and a clubfoot to rise through the ranks of the CIA, he would later describe himself as the Agencys Dr. Another reliable method is the severing of both jugular and carotid blood vessels on both sides of the windpipe. This question was greeted with silence. 2. The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and other defense agencies financed their own experiments as well, often duplicating each others efforts, sometimes at the same institutions. He moved to Sweden, his fathers ancestral home, and had a son, Stephan, with a Swedish woman. He knew he was "behind the eight ball . We decided to turn for assistance to the only governmental institution that might be able to help us. The headline was misleading. Nicky leave a suicide note? Injuries are generally categorized as blunt-force trauma, gunshot, and sharp-force trauma. By this point I was starting to experience a hot flash. Mulhollands name appears nowhere on the document, but consciously or not he did leave a subtle trace: the illustrations he sketched detailing facial expressions look very much like self-portraits. Hereafter, assassinations in which the subject is unaware will be termed simple; those where the subject is aware but unguarded will be termed chase; those where the victim is guarded will be termed guarded., If the assassin is to die with the subject, the act will be called lost. If the assassin is to escape, the adjective will be safe. It should be noted that no compromises should exist here. LSD, it was soon learned, was a much more effective way to loosen the tongue than alcohol was. It was learned that an agent who had gone to New York immediately after Olsons death had listened to a conversation between Lashbrook and Abramson that clearly concerned their conspiring to devise a report to the effect that Olsons mental state had been deteriorating. Dix, procedure and any other I send you, is BAP (which in case you forgot is Burn After Perusal). The drug-testing program resumed in the Bay Area under the cryptonyrn Operation Mid-night Climax. But after Alice died in 1993, Eric, with the consent of Nils, decided to exhume his fathers body. . Alice Olson never knew exactly what her husband was doing -- he was, in fact, working for the C.I.A. Whenever suspicions came up, the family would say: This cant be correct, because Ruwet would have known, and Ruwet wouldnt deceive us. Our relationship to Ruwet was symbolic of our relationship to the whole Detrick community, Eric said. He believed that the collage method might provide a whole new conceptual base for psychotherapy. During what would become a decade-long sabbatical in Sweden, Eric fathered a son, Stephan, with a woman he did not marry. Available documents indicate that a Detrick-CIA interrogation program called Artichoke with which my father was involved had debriefed these POWs prior to their recantations. That is, the patients of inexperienced LSD therapists were more likely to have bad trips. The reason for this was the feeling that any questions by the Internal Revenue people concerning funds paid by CD/TSS would be prompted by questions on deductions made. And third, the motive for murder turned out to be far more substantial than we had dared to imagine. Smith. In the name of the highest ideals, some would commit the lowest of crimes. Americas intelligence chiefs were interested in some kind of truth drug as far back as 1943, when the wartime Office of Strategic Services ~OSS~ experimented with marijuana. Some victims are asphyxiated, which results from cutting off oxygen to the brain. My friend said he saw an analogy between my fathers murder and the order given to Francis Gary Powers to kill himself rather than allow himself to be captured by the enemy. Supplies of the powerful hallucinogen were not even available on the U.S. market, and little was known about its effects on personality and behavior (see box, page 101). I wondered, to myself, with that attitude controlling his decision-making, how many murderers had escaped their just deserts in New York City on his watch. Contact:We would love to hear from you. My own critical response to Murrays Thematic Apperception Test was one of the factors that led to my work on thecollage method. assassination plots on national leaders and was an enthusiastic supporter of mind control. By now, the Agency was utilizing more and more of his expert advice. As Pastore placed his pass-key into the door, the police drew their guns as a precautionary measure. These comments are from the same White House attorney, Roderick Hills, who was simultaneously advising us that we should not go to court because the law was not on our side. Additionally, documents reveal: Marrazzi indicated in his trip report that while he was in New York he prevailed on one of the New York City Medical Examiners with whom he was well acquainted to place all the records (regarding Blauer) in a confidential file in the medical examiners office. While evaluations indicated some operational value in the tests, it was noted that scientific controls were ab-in addition to the basic ethical problem.. He did not appear to be the least bit troubled by the moral ambiguities of intelligence work. Eigelsbach, Robert Lashbrook, and Dr. [Abramson].. [63], Even if Mulholland were not a skilled hypnotist they still might have gone to see him, even if hypnosis were the purpose, counters Eric Olson. To be reliable, it should deliver at least 5 rounds into the subjects chest, though the .45 caliber U.S. weaponshave a much larger margin of killing efficiency than the 9 mm European arms. After he died, it was a subject one couldnt really go near., 2.25 Colleagues were astonished to spot Olson chatting with the pacifists who protested outside Detricks gates. To Eric, the newly revealed facts painted a grim picture of his fathers death having been a C.I.A. After further discussions with Abramson, it was agreed that Olson should be placed under regular psychiatric care at Chestnut Lodge, an institution closer to his home and which had CIA-cleared psychiatrists on its Rockville, Maryland, staff. Sargent told me his recommendation was acted upon by his superiors. Premier, ARD, WDR August 12, 2002, 0.02 We categorically deny that.. The goal, Helms wrote, was to develop a capability in the covert use of biological and chemical materials. The mythical Deep Creek cabin: why had it taken me forty five years to go looking for it? By morning, he was still in an agitated state. On August 9, 2002, I went in the company of team members Jack Frost and Jack Levisky to Mount Olivet Cemetery on Market Street in Frederick, Maryland, for Dr. Olsons reburial beside his wife Alice. Back home in the United States, some of those deeper connections had begun to surface on their own. In this particular case the patient died. Nor can casualties arising from experiments with unacknowledged weapons be publicly displayed. When he came home, his wife, Alice, found him withdrawn, saying repeatedly that he had made a terrible mistake. The next day he told his supervisor, Vincent Ruwet, that he wanted to resign from the agency. On Nov. 24, concerned colleagues took him to New York to see a doctor, Harold Abramson, who had experimented with LSD. Greg had married Eric Olsons sister, Lisa. In the course of this work in information retrieval Frank Olson made numerous trips to Europe, during which he observed interrogations of persons (Soviet prisoners, former Nazis, and others) which involved the combined application of electro-shock, drugs, and torture. Dr. Gibson said he cannot remember all the words that were used in the explanation, but that was what was told to him had formed an image in his mind of what the situation had been, and this image he remembers very clearly. The Coldest Warrior.The Washington Post Magazine, December 16, 2001. . What Colby did not tell them -- did not reveal until he published his memoirs just three years later -- was that Frank Olson had not been a civilian employee of the Department of the Army. After that, we incise the scalp behind the head and carefully reflect the skin over the face to expose the skull. Other suspicious circumstances emerged. Eric looked over at his mother and saw that she was frozen and empty-eyed. Marks book ran 264 pages. Did they want to use that? We were only interested in the condition of the organs of Dr. Olson for the purpose of assaying injuries to them. I have written a number of non-fiction books dealing with the activities of various intelligence agencies. But he said its fine with him if the dark lessons of Fort Detricks early days are lost forever. This weapon, known as the machine-pistol by the Russians and Germans and machine-carbide by the British, is occasionally useful in assassination. No fracture of the skull or any other hemorrhage could be directly related to the impact causing this hematoma. Alice Olson was stunned. Kenneth E. Willard, Joel Willards son, said the same. Alice recalled that when Frank returned from Europe that summer, he was unusually withdrawn and morose and contemplative. No one needed to debate the next step, Alibek wrote in his 1999 book Biohazard. Dr. Gibson explained that Chestnut Lodge did not have security-cleared psychiatrists on its staff at that time, and that security would indeed have been a problem had psychotherapeutic treatment begun at Chestnut Lodge. In fact, the New York Times called the file elliptical, incoherent, and contradictory. It was, the newspaper concluded, a jumble of deletions, conflicting statements [and] unintelligible passages. For one thing, despite LSDs tendency to provoke mercurial responses in distressed individuals, Olsons bad trip a week-long psychosis escalating to suicide seemed out of proportion to the small dose he supposedly swallowed. The whole history of a lot of things would be different. These could become helpful for the purpose of solidifying the identification. Thus the Medical Examiner was informed that Blauers death was connected with secret Army experiments, but he was also told that this information was not to be disclosed. This was the same office of the New York City Medical Examiner that months later received the body of Frank Olson. The Danish Madman? Admiral Eric Thor Olson retired as the eight commander of US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) on August 22, 2011. operatives may have slipped the LSD into his fathers drink to get him talking, and once they saw his reaction, decided to get him to New York where the suicide could be faked convincingly. CIA documents have confirmed that a week earlier Olson had been surreptitiously drugged with LSD at a high-level CIA meeting. All others received a Ph.D. from the Department of Psychology. The confluence of scientific fact and investigative fact points unerringly to the death of Frank Olson as being a homicide, deft, deliberate and diabolical. He and Nils would reach the goal San Francisco by small continuous increments of motion along a single strand. This was in Erics mind a test-run for another goal he would one day reach in an equally fastidious way: the solution to the mystery of what happened to his father in that hotel room in New York at 2am. It is hoped in the next year that subjects who are essentially normal from a psychiatric point of view will be given unwitting doses of the drug. Sargant told me he believed Frank Olson had witnessed murder being committed with the various drugs he had prepared. [ From reading Dr. Abramsons report it is not readily evident what the CIA wanted in particular to have in it.] The Division had three primary functions: assessing the vulnerability of American installations to biological attack; developing techniques for offensive use of biological weapons; and biological research for the CIA. Write this down. It was his belief that the perpetrators were contract killers associated with a mob family and the C.I.A. I met Gottlieb at the pad, and at Whites office. Eric Olson. Strangelove.Others were less kind. Among the mourners at the ceremony were two CIA men: Robert Lashbrook the man from room 1018A and his boss, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, architect of the CIAs MK-ULTRA program and the spy agencys mastermind of bizarre assassination techniques employing lethal biological agents ranging from anthrax to shellfish toxin. If a drawn shade separated the glass from the flesh, then perhaps the shade buffered kept the glass from piercing Olsons underwear-clad body, but it is nevertheless inexplicable that we found no cuts on the front of the lower extremities from dragging across glass shards on the bottom edge of the window. Everyones worst nightmare had always been of someones flipping out and running amok, and spilling all the family secrets. itself. Experiments. U.S. News & World Report. 13.15 Included would be explanations of(the skills) required and how quickly to master such skills. The material is necessary in order for the operator to be able to learn how to do those things which are required. The Olson family had never heard this name, and would not learn of Dr. Gibsons role until 1994. 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